Example sentences of "[verb] when [pron] [verb] there be " in BNC.

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1 Erm I mean I I have some concerns , like Cynthia , about the number of careers officers who suddenly appear when you say there 's a visit to , Hull University , and we 've got people coming from all over the county and it 's costing us a fortune .
2 They are given a company car to get from A to B , and their main work starts when they get there is n't it ?
3 Some of the extreme cases ( such as the Yorkshire miners who would strike unless electricity were connected to their village ) did reach the public eye , and it became clear that Citrine was not fooling when he said there were many equally damaging examples for which the chairmen would insist on pinning the blame where it belonged — on government .
4 I 'll ask him if he was joking when he said there was a wild animal in my woods .
5 Robyn felt a sudden anxiety , although she absolutely refused to admit its cause , or acknowledge the relief she felt when she realised there were only ten years between herself and Luke .
6 They should all be ‘ under one roof ’ : that was what mattered , and what they did when they got there was an issue of relative indifference .
7 But then if you , I mean when we went there was that , I mean , okay it was erm it was a van was n't it ?
8 You will understand then something of the climate prevailing around Darlington Hall by the time of my father 's fall in front of the summerhouse — this occurring as it did just two weeks before the first of the conference guests were likely to arrive — and what I mean when I say there was little room for any ‘ beating about the bush ’ .
9 There is a statistical rider which puts even greater emphasis on that sum : it does not matter whether the family unit is made up of two , three or four people — the £1,000 booking is near enough a constant — though what people spend when they get there is harder to establish .
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