Example sentences of "[verb] them be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it was — and still is — an affront to those who respected the great classic guitars , having to see them being used as dispensable stage props !
2 We have moved away from such remedies as being too brutal for a humane society and nowadays those who advocate them are seen as blimpish relics of an imperialist , authoritarian society which favoured cold baths and weals on the buttocks as character forming .
3 ‘ By all means let there be challenges for the promotion of better health , but let them be based on sound reasoning .
4 Let them be listed in increasing order as unc [ so that unc etc . ] .
5 When bonds came on the market after this time they were sold quietly by the Bondholders Committee to members of the Club with a long term , proven interest in its affairs , who had either enquired about bonds or were offered them being regarded as suitable individuals .
6 Nonetheless he ordered the San Antonio and the Concepción into the headwaters of the bay — only to be horrified when he saw them being swept by unsuspected currents and winds into a huge maelstrom of surf and spindrift , and on to a wicked-looking spur of black rock .
7 A DOCTOR who treated three woman for backache by fondling them was convicted of indecent assault yesterday .
8 Tensions continued but the opportunities to discuss and resolve them were improved by regular and closer collaboration .
9 Wise move : Breeders of barn owls will need a licence to release them into the wild from January to stop them being freed into unsuitable areas ill equipped for life in the wild .
10 Slovenia and Croatia had introduced their own currencies in October and December respectively , and new banknotes of the Yugoslav dinar were being issued to the other republics to prevent them being flooded with unwanted currency from Slovenia and Croatia .
11 Objects are defined by their function , while actions and those who perform them are viewed as connected parts of a greater whole .
12 It is an important implication of this that they are never a matter of how the things which have them are related to other things .
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