Example sentences of "[verb] so [conj] [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Despite all the fine statements that young people are the future of the country , they are still a disadvantaged group and will remain so until they are made a priority policy target .
2 Thus conditions not in themselves inhuman or degrading became so when they were combined with other bad conditions .
3 Subsequently , the statement of claim was amended so that it was restricted to the tax assessment under s 488 , TA 1970 .
4 In the middle and upper classes at least , children stayed " children " for longer ( it was harder for a child to remain so when it was working at the age of 12 or 13 ) ; girls and young women were more shielded from experience outside the home ; parents were , on the whole , stricter and more repressive .
5 It is assumed that within a single erosional system all elements of the topography are mutually adjusted so that they are downwasting at the same rate .
6 They are also helpful if they are arranged so that you are paid on or before the date of delivery of your goods or services as compared with the usual 40- to 70-day wait for your cheque .
7 In fact it is everything a manager needs to know so if you are bucking for promotion you need this disk .
8 In fact it is everything a manager needs to know so if you are bucking for promotion you need this disk .
9 I thought Eng v SM was 16th & Pol vs Hol 17th but I 've heard that they 've been rescheduled so that they are played at the same time .
10 The raw reference material is reorganised so that it is geared to the needs of advice workers and oriented to the problems that clients bring to advice agencies .
11 He said it was the first time he 'd done so but he was damned if he was going to be wheeled into a restaurant like a blasted mental patient out with his nurse . ’
12 It took nearly two hours to get the pony out on to solid ground , but when they had done so and he was examined , Farmer Yatton was able to tell the thankful Angela that her pet had come to no real harm .
13 If the patient watches television , it should be positioned so that he is sitting straight to see it : he should not have to turn his head , or bend or crick his neck .
14 However , unless the expert clause says so or it is agreed by the parties before the appointment is made , the expert need have no particular qualifications at all .
15 The sun had moved so that it was setting on the roof of the building on the western side of the yard .
16 But central government need not give such an undertaking if it is seeking to enforce compliance with a statute or regulation ; although it must do so if it is seeking to protect its property or contractual interests .
17 2. it will do so because it is undertaken with such a belief ;
18 He started up the stairs , but Burun sidestepped so that he was standing in the way .
19 The action and control areas were carefully selected so that they were matched as far as possible in terms both of the number of referrals to the psychogeriatric service in the previous year , and of 1981 census data on the number of elderly people resident , particularly those aged 80 and over , the housing amenities of elderly people and the proportion of elderly people living alone ( see Table 2.1 ) .
20 to look at er , a P R job about changing the way those resources are used so that they 're used in the way that 's been talked away , er , talked about tonight which is way that clearly many wo , many women want to see them being used .
21 The idea that the Renaissance could be named , classified , described , and interpreted so that it was rendered readily comprehensible within some generalised scheme of the humanities was no longer a clearly defined process .
22 You know so that you are trying to do that .
23 You know so when you 're confirmed , it wo n't be , okay I 'm on the boat now , it will be making use of those gifts , whatever they may be , and they 'll be uniquely your own in each one , the mix 'll be uni uniquely you know , to the person , you 'll have to make use of it on a daily basis , not just simply , okay I 'm on the boat .
24 It 's flying fast but approaching incredibly slowly — it 's pressing itself towards me and waving and kicking so that I 'm getting bruised all over .
25 However , most people fail to do so unless they are admitted .
26 This is one case where , again , I make the point that I am proud to stand here and support the policies of the Adam Smith Institute which every Tory Member should also support , but unfortunately they are afraid to do so because they are facing a general election , knowing that they will be out of power within six months .
27 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
28 He knew that he ought to see a physician , but was unwilling to do so lest he be told that he was not , after all , cured of syphilis .
29 It was obliged to do so if it was to operate within a competitive market where there were a sufficient number of firms producing the same or a substitutable commodity so that each firm was incapable of influencing the price of the commodity by adjusting its output .
30 Nor would she wish to do so if he were to marry Cora-Beth , no matter how nice the girl was .
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