Example sentences of "[verb] as a [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 9.17 Frustration of reinstatement Landlords sometimes include a proviso that the landlord should have the right to terminate the lease in the event of reinstatement being frustrated or delayed as a result of circumstances beyond the landlord 's control .
2 Any firm decisions on holding early elections to a new legislature ( the Seimas ) were blocked in June by the political split which had repeatedly left the current legislature , the Supreme Council , inquorate as a result of boycotts .
3 Equally , with the use of appropriate figures , it would show that CDs become more liquid , the nearer they get to maturity , i.e. the nearer to maturity they get , the smaller is the loss or gain as a result of changes in prevailing yields .
4 Haloperidol has been implicated as a cause of torsades de pointes and death .
5 Heterosexuality , once it is exposed as an exchange of women between men , reveals itself as a mediated form of homosexuality .
6 The report points out that the timetable for enforcement is so precise that it may not be possible for authorities to process payments received as a result of reminders , in time to comply strictly with the regulations .
7 The corps was formed as a result of lessons learned in the Gulf War and brings together hundreds of soldiers from Germany and the United Kingdom .
8 Group formation may arise as a result of factors favouring defence or resource acquisition and the sizes and compositions of groups express the effects of social selection within them .
9 The Club had to decide , said Brower , whether to continue as a society of companions on the trail or take the position that ‘ the entire environment is the proper province of conservationists ’ .
10 Routine policing as a set of tasks is therefore accomplished as a process of routine .
11 This book is not intended as a textbook of theories , so there will be no detailed exegetical analysis of each one .
12 However , planning should not always be indicted as a cause of problems , since the planning process has fostered generally higher standards in all housing , particularly in technical matters and , perhaps , site layout .
13 It is easy to see on the dinner plate that the muscles down each side of any fish are arranged as a row of segments , a battery of muscle units .
14 In those cases where the use of a guide price is deemed sensible , the pricing analysis will determine the estimated asking price which will generally be given as a range of values .
15 The estimated asking price will generally be given as a range of values , which will normally be wider than those associated with the valuation since account will need to be taken of the expectations of buyers and sellers of price reductions during the bargaining process .
16 The tuning delay is given as a number of seconds where a value of 0 provides no delay and any value greater than 60 seconds is defaulted to 60 .
17 Today elegans and livingstonii are still considered valid , but lanisticola is now regarded as a synonym of livingstonii , and ‘ livingstonii likoma ’ as possibly a further synonym of the same species .
18 29996 preserves many more of his compositions , together with an alternatim organ Mass by another St. Paul 's musician Philip ap Rhys , who succeeded him as organist , and a considerable number of organ works ( including the Proper of a Mass for Easter Day and eight ‘ Felix namque ’ which might be regarded as a set of variations though they were not of course played as such ) by Thomas Preston ( d. c. 1564 ) , organist of Magdalen College , Oxford , and later of the Chapel Royal at Windsor .
19 It may be regarded as a set of techniques , rather than a theoretically predetermined system for the writing of linguistic ‘ rules ’ .
20 But for the later Barthes , for Foucault and for Derrida the object is constituted empirically in language but is treated as a system of signifieds — discourse .
21 In America insider dealing has been treated as a category of securities fraud since the 1930s ; the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) prosecutes 30–40 cases a year .
22 Nor can it be treated as a property of objects of thought .
23 Research methods are to be treated as a collection of tools designed and thereby suited for particular jobs .
24 In Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [ 1927 ] 1 KB 298 , a contract for timber to be felled by the buyer at a future date was treated as a sale of goods .
25 When the right crystallises and the further shares or securities are issued , this will be treated as a conversion of securities within s132 , so again no capital gain will be realised ( see Extra Statutory Concession D27 ) .
26 When racism is addressed as a set of ideologies , for example , none of the antiracist analyses cited above displays an awareness of contradictions , inconsistencies and ambivalences of the kind I have sketched earlier .
27 If the form of such relations is in fact reordered at the level of consciousness to appear as an exploitation of things , then the effect is to reduce the sensation of the violence of exploitation and also to legitimize the relations of dominance .
28 Conceptually , the data is organised as a set of structures called tables .
29 Latterly , separation is claimed as a consequence of feelings of exclusiveness .
30 In most cases pseudo-karst develops as a result of processes analogous to those operating on true karst ; such is the case on some pure siliceous rocks subject to prolonged weathering where the slow dissolution of quartz creates karst-like forms .
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