Example sentences of "[verb] out [adv] [pron] [be] going " in BNC.

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1 So I intend to find out exactly what is going on first , before I even consider giving my consent . ’
2 Oh yes , he had done everything possible to find out just what was going on .
3 It was too soon for the operation to be taken away from Cardiff before he found out just what was going on in this hellish office block .
4 trying to work out exactly what 's going round might have a
5 Climbing , even rock climbing , is a matter of having the physical ability to scale a section of rock , but you 've also got to have it in your mind to work out how you 're going to do it , and have the motivation to push yourself .
6 It would be a good idea to develop a formula for using this kind of programme so that you know precisely what kind of item you are looking for and , if you can arrange for a regular supply , you do n't need to spend a lot of time viewing it to work out how you are going to use it .
7 If I 'm , try and tell me the steps that you went through to work out how you were going to draw your pie charts .
8 I sat quietly trying to work out how I was going to give her Mum 's message .
9 Now I have to sort out how it 's going to work .
10 According to classical mechanics , in theory you could write down the position and momentum of every single particle in the universe ; you could therefore work out how everything is going backwards and forwards in time , obviously by highly complicated equations , but in theory , everything 's predicted so everything 's totally determined from beginning to end ; but quantum mechanics says that you can never record the momentum and position of everything identically because of the Uncertainty Principle .
11 Okay how about if we added here 's a tricky one see if you can work out how we 're going to do it .
12 At the planning stage again there will be negotiation between teacher and children and they will together work out how they are going to achieve their goals .
13 I 'll give you I 'll give you a clue and see if you can work out how you 're going to get towards it .
14 Damned if I could make out quite what 's going on and I 've been trying hard enough . ’
15 One of the doctors in the medical team treating Laura , Dr Jorge Reyes , spelled out why they were going ahead with further surgery .
16 Their grandma said to me yesterday , have you worked out how you 're going to get to nursery ?
17 We begin by finding out exactly what 's going on — what films and plays are due to open , books to be published , records to be released , and we keep in touch with agents and promotion companies and keep tabs on where the big celebrities are in the world .
18 You turn to the manual and try and work out how it 's going to how you 're going to interact with it .
19 All this is as yet in the future ; Serafin is still working out how he is going to insist on occupying the garret , in the teeth of Summerchild 's objections .
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