Example sentences of "[verb] up [conj] [verb] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Poles from the other areas of partitioned Poland rose up and fought for over eight months in support of his efforts to halt the dismemberment of the Polish state .
2 hang on to somebody elses tail lights , it gives us a false sense of security watch your speed , you may be going much faster than you think , do not speed up to get away from the vehicle which is too close behind you , remember that if you 're driving with heavy people it may take longer to pull up and speed on ahead , warning signals or
3 Valves of drysuits freeze up if pressed for too long , and a careless diver in a drysuit may find himself suddenly hurtling up to the surface , with potentially fatal consequences .
4 Perforated silk , I mean silk , even if it 's hung up and looked after very carefully , it just cracks with age , which is very sad , I mean some of our wedding dresses are just , the skirts are literally in shreds , you know , where they 've just got
5 They prepare individual care-plans for each patient with goals and objectives to be drawn up and revised by both the nurse and the patient .
6 Instead he believes priorities have to be drawn up and stuck to even if that means low-priority areas are ignored altogether as is already the case in some parts of the country .
7 There 's still some who want the shrieking , whirling dervish of the old Associates days and refuse to give him any credit for growing up and wanting to just get on with it .
8 ‘ I ai n't going to be tidied up and looked at so 's you can make up your mind about fancying me .
9 Sarah stand up and come over here .
10 Er the Yorkshire television did phone up and apologise for not coming but er that was it .
11 Sandra : Shut up and listen for once .
12 As part of a wider plan to restore Naples ' historic centre and bring back into public use an artistic and historical heritage that has been shut up and neglected for too long , the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici in Naples has announced a programme of restoration of twenty-six churches to start on 5 December .
13 Some such cars were held up and trapped for up to six hours , for those who could the best option was to leave the car and complete the journey on foot .
14 Getting started on the groove is tricky , then good but spaced holds lead up and left to more exposed rock .
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