Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This refers to her opening her wings fully and riding the wind .
2 Later , she subtly modified her views so as to accommodate , not alienate , American feminists .
3 Candy made a show of pressing her lips together and sat back expectantly , a mischievous twinkle still dancing in her eyes .
4 When her mother came and sat beside her , twisting her fingers nervously and pulling on and off her gloves , lifting and laying down her basket in agitation , Lily rallied a little .
5 Robyn ground her teeth together and glared at him .
6 As the figure closed his fingers around her lapels she clenched her fists together and forced her arms up between his arms until her hands met in front of her face , forcing him to loosen his grip .
7 She showered , and dressed in a pale grey cotton skirt with a crisp white blouse , brushed her hair into its customary neat knot , used her cosmetics sparingly and walked into the kitchen , looking the picture of a successful businesswoman .
8 The lips that had soothed now hardened , and when she stiffened in fright his tongue ran along her mouth with shocking intimacy , easing her lips apart and moving inside to tease her tongue and explore the warmth .
9 She shuts her eyes again and rolls over .
10 Their two small sons stood apart with their nurse , already contrite and tearful , but Lan clapped her hands delightedly and ran towards Joseph .
11 For one thing , it would have been warmer , she thought , wriggling her shoulders defensively and wishing she 'd brought a jacket .
12 A farmer who 's threatened to shoot her cattle rather than allow a bypass through her land , has come face to face with officials who want to build the road .
13 Maggie LeMan lifted her shoulders slightly and smiled as she said , ‘ They 're enjoying it , anyway . ’
14 She dared to open her eyes again and found him still there , close to her .
15 Rosemary Duncan-Smith had made her views plain when driving Meg back to Norwich station after her interview .
16 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
17 Julia opened her eyes again and saw Comfort looking around her as though she expected to see men in white coats with a stretcher appearing through the walls .
18 She opened her eyes again and saw , hazily at first , Oliver .
19 She opened her lips obediently and remained perfectly still .
20 Terrified of choking and terrified that the rope would give way , that she would fall and be eaten alive by those metal teeth , she screwed her eyes tight and prayed .
21 She licked her lips nervously and made every effort to appear casual .
22 She licked her lips nervously and tried to simulate deep interest in the scenery outside , which was difficult , since there was very little to see in the rapidly failing light .
23 She clasped her hands together and tried to think .
24 When he began the cautious descent down the almost sheer drop into the valley , Sarah clasped her hands together and leaned towards him .
25 She wiped her dripping , hooked nose , clasped her hands together and cackled .
26 She leant her elbows on the table , clasped her hands lightly and rested her chin on them .
27 When telling fibs , your child may stand awkwardly , holding her arms stiffly and covering her mouth or eyes fleetingly with a hand .
28 Jacques Devraux pressed her fingers briefly and bent his dark head for an instant over her hand .
29 Xanthe pressed her lips together and stuck her chin up in a pose .
30 She pressed her lips together and looked away .
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