Example sentences of "[verb] what [verb] [prep] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One may choose to adopt a broadly aesthetic approach to texts , as is often done , perfectly appropriately , but one then encounters what seems to me a potentially disabling contradiction .
2 In other words , rats with hippocampal lesions have difficulty in refraining from punished responses because they can not remember what happened to them the last time that they did whatever it was that led to the punishment .
3 One lunchtime Minton , wearing what seemed to her a hideous sweater knitted for him by his mother , sat opposite her in the school restaurant .
4 Both men are reporting what seem to them the facts of the case , and they are the more confident about doing so because no Englishman has arisen to rebut their arguments .
5 They are prevented from entering what appears to them the more appealing world of work , a world in which they can earn independence and the goods that money can buy .
6 He had even provided , as an antagonist to North , a fictional member of the NSC , ‘ Aaron Sykes ’ , whose job it was to give flesh and voice to those invisible and voiceless colleagues who had presumably tried to dissuade North from what he was doing : to appear , as the Laws appeared to Socrates , ‘ humming in his ears ’ , about the offence he would cause to country , friends and laws if he did what seemed to him the right thing .
7 look at and browse and take the information that they want rather than putting what sounds to me a lot of work on some
8 To make this claim plausible — a claim which , it seems to me , lies in a grey zone between the conceptual and the empirical — I wish first to offer what seems to me the most likely account of the evolution of syntactic structure .
9 They were nearly into the spa town , and were waiting while a trolley-bus took right of way , when she saw no reason not to ask what seemed to her a perfectly natural question .
10 He had what seemed to me a great genius for — how can I put it ? — drawing the orchestra together and controlling it as a single expressive instrument .
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