Example sentences of "[verb] if it be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You may be right , but your cynicism would be easier to accept if it was universally applied .
2 Second , sealing the border with Serbia would be unlikely to work if it were not accompanied by the simultaneous sealing of the border with Croatia : the Bosnian Serbs , already talking to the Croats about a confederal division of the spoils ( see page 46 ) , would get their supplies from Croatia , and the Croats — never mind their signatures on the Vance-Owen plan — would anyway continue their military campaign for territory .
3 He says if it 's not cut down it literally chokes the jungle and so every four or five years the mangrove is cut and then it grows again like a blackthorn or hawthorn hedge would grow .
4 Whereas before I used to say let's do this or that and worry if it was n't done , now I 've decided that I 'm really not going to worry about the garden any more .
5 As the monsoon season ran its usual course in Snowdonia , anybody with any sense fled to warmer climes while the rest of us sat and talked about what we would do if it was n't raining .
6 Participants in a television programme , for example , who are told that it is a " pilot " which will not be transmitted , can not be held responsible for defamatory statements they have made if it is subsequently screened at prime time .
7 It must be half size — and it does n't matter if it 's half finished either .
8 So if you want to see if it 's actually worked , alright ?
9 Personally , by the time I had cycled up the hill in the dark , battling against high winds and rain , wearing my rain cape in a futile attempts to keep dry , I felt more like flopping into bed than sitting up all night making silly marks on a chart and plunging outside every sixty minutes to see if it was still raining .
10 Often these compromise theories state , in effect , that punishment is only justified if it is both deserved and likely to have deterrent effects ( eg von Hirsch , 1976 : chs 5 and 6 ) .
11 That that 's not much but if it 's if it 's I mean if it 's not padded out with waffle and drivel cos you I mean if it 's a good ti concise answer that 'll probably get a good mark .
12 These costs of consent to political authority suggest that , on instrumental grounds , consent can only be held binding if it is so qualified that its effect is almost entirely confined to reinforcing independently existing obligations to obey .
13 The order was suspended and the Legal Aid Board was given leave to object if it was so minded .
14 Yes , now you , you played stuff just as difficult as this , and there 's no , no problem , do n't do it too quickly though , and , I do n't mind if it 's not finished next week , or the week after , it 's the quality we want , so , so , do n't , do n't rush it .
15 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
16 Engineers already knew this , just as we know that the refrigerator will not work if it is not plugged in ; but Carnot 's achievement , when recognized after a quarter of a century , allowed theoretical understanding and in the end further advance in practice .
17 Micro Focus Plc makes a very good living out of a programming language that many believed would be long dead by now yet still shows no signs of fading away — but if object-oriented programming fulfils its promise and sweeps away the paraphernalia of the first 35 years of the computer industry , Micro Focus is going to have to be ready and waiting if it is not going to be swept away too .
18 Anyway I mean hopefully this this will be sort of you know if it 's well publicized it it will be well attended because of the past .
19 But even in these cases the success is likely to be shortlived if it is not backed by bilingual contacts and exchanges in the community at large .
20 The treaty was based on fear of the ‘ dark terrors ’ of what might happen if it were not ratified .
21 Such a policy should commend itself to the Government and my constituents , and I will be perplexed if it is not accepted today .
22 I wonder if it is badly wounded .
23 A patent , once granted , can be revoked if it is subsequently shown to fail to meet the requirements for patentability ; for example , that it was not novel on the priority date or does not have an inventive step , or if it was not granted to the person entitled to it .
24 So' if it 's not blowing your tune , try something different ; there are lots of alternatives .
25 For how long in the future does the decision affect the business , and how quickly can the decision be reversed if it is later found to be a bad one ?
26 So , in addition to the high increases in taxation that the Labour party would impose if it was ever given a chance , the community charge payer , or the council tax payer , would be ripped apart by high-spending Labour authorities , because there would be no capping .
27 A trade usage will be imported if it is widely known and followed , and is sufficiently certain , binding and reasonable .
28 With cumulative preferred shares , all unpaid dividend payments cumulate and are paid when earnings are sufficient , unlike standard preferred shares , where a dividend is lost if it is not paid in any year .
29 The extremities of the cloud are rotating so fast that the cloud would disperse if it were not held together by some force of gravity .
30 A large timber barn in Essex , standing isolated near a road , will undoubtedly suffer if it is suddenly surrounded by the trimmings of a suburban garden — tarmac drive , garage , lawns , flowerbeds , hedges and off-the-peg fences .
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