Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun sg] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After Adelaide , Bodyline was not exploited with quite the same intensity , but the crowds retained their fury at the mere sight of a ‘ bumper ’ .
2 They did n't appear to mind me playing a double game , allying with each in turn , then becoming their opponent at the next round .
3 The shadow social security secretary , Donald Dewar , and Labour 's Scottish affairs spokesman , Henry McLeish , described their anger at the worsening situation when unveiling a rolling campaign aimed at highlighting the rising level of poverty across Scotland .
4 They include a party of German businessmen , keen to try their hand at the traditional Highland Games sports of shot-putting and caber-tossing , and a group of Australians .
5 The band were forced to cancel their appearance at the recent MTV awards ceremony due to Gallup 's ill health .
6 Designed by Carlo Chiti , later to build some explosively temperamental F1 engines for Alfa Romeo , the ATS cars made their debut at the 1963 Belgian Grand Prix .
7 England 's under-16 side opened their section at the same venue with an impressive 8–0 victory over Scotland after scoring six goals before the interval .
8 The leader of the council , Robert Gould , said later he accepted that the 1.5 per cent pay increase was totally unrealistic , but said the unions should be directing their anger at the Conservative Government , which was to blame for the situation .
9 British officials hid their anger at the new ‘ snub ’ .
10 At a rally in London , they expressed their anger at the proposed changes in the way they work .
11 Unipork AC , Cookstown enjoyed their day at the Straid Fishery with Sam Newell taking seven trout and Tom Taylor six .
12 He can turn his head away from the screams , the pleas , the heart-rending shouts that split the night air — suffering human beings screeching their injustice at the outside world .
13 At that time , sons of the nobility often started their education at the local school alongside boys whose parents were lower on the social scale and David attended Irvine Grammar School .
14 Yesterday , when the Government were defending their postition at the United Nations in Geneva on interrogation procedures and denying that anything untoward was happening , settlements were being awarded in Belfast courts to people who had claimed that they had been assaulted in just those circumstances .
15 Those four years left a black cloud over everything with the ever-recurring casualties among our friends and relatives and the suffocating misery I remember when our parents could no longer hide their anxiety at the big German push in the spring of 1918 when it seemed their advance towards Paris would never stop .
16 WALES , the Soviet Union and West Germany are three new nations making their debut at the 15th Hong Kong Sevens , to be staged from 31 March to 1 April next year .
17 Six Welsh officials and 10 players made the trip , many changing their mind at the last minute .
18 To be anti-suffrage was not necessarily to be anti-feminist ; many opponents of the suffrage , men and women , campaigned for better educational opportunities for women and supported their work at the local level .
19 Firstly , Mr Marnell states that 105 men won their appeal at the Industrial Tribunal , when , in fact , it was 100 men .
20 Ekelund and Tollison ( 1986 ) and Lewin ( 1988 ) note that the Austrian school ( associated in particular with Hayek ) see the macro consequences as being the result of microeconomic-motivated actions and some macro actions finding their impact at the micro level ; for example , industrial , regional and other policies often adopt subsidies to maintain an output and employment target ( see chapter 5 ) in a particular industry .
21 The lay people of Durham were proud to have their bishop at the right hand of the Queen .
22 Eleanor sent Richard and Geoffrey to join their brother at the French King 's court while she herself summoned the Poitevins to arms .
23 But his presence has failed to frighten away the opposition and 11 runners have stood their ground at the five-day declaration stage .
24 All those attending the lobby have expressed their outrage at the deepening crisis in housing , and many MPs were surprised by the level of concern and involvement of Church groups .
25 Niall Cooper , CNHC 's national organiser said that ‘ all those attending the lobby have expressed their outrage at the deepening crisis in housing and many MPs were surprised by the level of concern and involvement of church groups . ’
26 In the Commons , Labour MPs unleashed their anger at the Liberal Democrats for promising to back the Government .
27 Students will already know that there are jobs in work areas such as Electronics and Physiotherapy where the subject requirements are quite specific and those who decide to enrol for one of these courses will have effectively chosen their career at the same time .
28 You can find their address at the local Citizens Advice Bureau , or in the telephone directory under ‘ community health council ’ .
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