Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Their friends bring their friends down for the week-end .
2 It was a case of hard-drinking men in late night bars slamming their pints down on the counter , declaring : ‘ I 'm not fuckin' going ’ .
3 As they stood shining their torches down on the twisted bits of metal , they saw it was the mangled remains of a Uzi .
4 The two dealers escaped through a back window , after dropping their belongings down from the fire-escape .
5 All the trainees dealing with leads obtained from Dun and Bradstreet put their initials down on the white cards they sent out .
6 But with him having on this side , because he 's so blooming awkward he 's been pressing the play switch and of course , so the tapes been turning round , have n't bothered to che , so you know , he was sort of saying well well play that tape and I 'll write their names down of the people as they speak , just the first names , you know so there 's loads of
7 Chancellor Kohl can intimidate mavericks in his Christian Democrat party by threatening to move their names down on the electoral list , exposing them to the risk of defeat at the polls .
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