Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So to raise funds , some of the villagers are opening their gardens to the public on Saturday .
2 During June and July many artists living and working in East and South East London have been opening their studios to the public , coordinated and publicised by the Whitechapel Gallery .
3 The public , as clients , equally base their attitudes to the quality of the services they receive on subjective assessments that are more than a little conditioned by their individual social attitudes .
4 Distant , forested hills to the left and smaller hills on the right contributed their surges to the surface of the countryside , and these undulations across the land ran under the roadway like energy cables , sapping the strength from the legs .
5 In order that all sections of the Party shall be consulted , area chairmen of the National Union will obtain the opinions of constituency associations , through their chairmen , and report their findings to the chairman of the National Union and the chairman of the Executive of the National Union .
6 A few of the men were dressed in quality suits with top hats and canes ; they moved quickly , keeping their faces to the ground .
7 All these rulers , however , with the exception of the King of Bavaria , confined their greetings to the minimum demanded by courtesy , indicating how far anti-French attitudes had developed since 1860 .
8 It is at least worth a footnote to any textbook on handling disputes that few employers have to contend with their management arm solemnly sitting down and condemning the negotiating strategy and then publicly relating their views to the press .
9 Nevertheless , the 1980 Act makes it abundantly clear that , though districts are the development control authorities , they must direct their decisions to the implementation of the structure plan for their area .
10 I 'm not encouraging pay-for-play , but I think the players should be put on a retainer by the ARFU to provide their services to the union ’ , their skipper says .
11 FSLN leaders had been given farms and houses because , the Sandinistas argued , they had sacrificed good salaries for a decade and dedicated their lives to the defence of the country against the US-backed contra rebels .
12 Others dedicated their projects to the healing of man-damaged nature .
13 In the capital the police told employers to work their men to the point of exhaustion the day before the terms were to be made known in order to leave them too weary to protest .
14 In England George I and George II devoted their energies to the organization and discipline of their army in a way that no Stuart king had ever done .
15 She did n't find anyone very admirable , had reservations about people who devoted their lives to the care of the sick , and she did n't go ‘ Aah ’ over babies and brides or the Princess of Wales .
16 Er , what I would like to propose the erm a a that resolution two of course , was put down at the time it had to be put down er , and is clearly going to be affected by , that it happened at the th the financial services in March and what I have suggested is that you might prefer this be a a a second resolution it is or and turn to the to add on the end of that resolution thus urging local churches to through their consultations with district treasurers and finance committee to increase their contributions to the Ministry of Mission Fund in nineteen ninety three in such a way that provincial commi , commitment may be increased by at least five percent over the nineteen ninety two .
17 The Home Secretary deftly referred their claims to the expert , and non-political , Advisory Council on the Treatment of Offenders .
18 In a very real sense war was becoming an important supplementary source of livelihood , for which the nobility increasingly sold their services to the king in return for wages and promises of opportunities of obtaining what were euphemistically known as the ‘ advantages ’ of war : the profits of ransoms ; booty ; and grants of land seized from the conquered .
19 ‘ If you go to the NCT , you will be taught by women who have had either a wonderful of a nasty labour and who bring their experiences to the class , ’ he says .
20 The persons who wish to issue a prospectus must make their submissions to the Authority on the basis of uberrimae fidei .
21 We 've got to realise that there 's going to families out and about , and what we 'll do is the aircraft er I have n't seen the scenario on paper , but just off the top of my head , I can tell you that the aircraft will make their approaches to the base as if it were a real target .
22 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
23 The two inspectors will make their recommendations to the Energy and Environment Secretaries , who will decide between them which route if any should be approved .
24 But the American High Commissioner in West Germany and the American commander-elect of NATO lent their voices to the idea , and the United States quickly became an important supporter of the project .
25 What is certain is that the Egyptian goldsmiths had developed their skills to the point at which they were able to mount amethyst , lapis lazuli and turquoise in the gold bracelets buried with King Zer of the first dynasty in his tomb at Abydos .
26 The ducks that lived on the island in that lake did n't restrict their activities to the park .
27 Therefore , anybody interested in the wildlife of the seashore , especially the small fish , crabs , prawns , and other attractive creatures found when the tide is out , is recommended to plan their trips to the coast , taking special account of the following factors .
28 the second arises where financial institutions find themselves owing conflicting fiduciary duties to different people , so that they can not comply with their duties to one without breaching their duties to the other .
29 J. N. M. Smith put out pastry ‘ caterpillars ’ for thrushes , and watched how the birds adjusted their movements to the arrangement of prey .
30 Top managers try to win their loyalty , and co-opt their organizations to the firm 's ideals … ideologically .
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