Example sentences of "[verb] been see [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its presence has been seen for 2,000 years throughout the acrimonious purgings of innocent human life in the witchcraft genocides ; through the long systematic persecution then culmination in horrific holocausting of Jesus 's own people — the tribe of Judah .
2 In effect , the insider who reveals the structural formations of a system of power inverts that power and the revelation creates a situation where elements of ‘ anti-structure ’ ( Turner 1969 , 1974 ) now present a version of how things might be constituted ; and what has been seen as solid reality begins to be identified as only one social possibility .
3 Hansen has been seen at various shows , demonstrating Jim Dunlop pedals .
4 Since then NR2101 , alias N117GB , has been seen at many US airshows .
5 Since that time , the Dreadnought has been seen on private hirings , trade promotions and Illumination tours .
6 He has been seen by many vets , and a dermatologist , who have prescribed a range of treatments including antibiotics and anti-inflammatories .
7 This advocacy , he said , " has been seen by many countries as tainted with a political desire for delay in agreeing further emission reductions " .
8 Such differences in approach to computer evidence has been seen by international organisations as a potential obstacle to the adoption of information technology .
9 The global success not only of Japanese enterprise in the 1980s but also of the other NICs of East Asia has been seen by some commentators such as Blunt ( 1989 : 21 ) as a spur to the renaissance of studies of effective leadership in recent times .
10 Spencer coined the term ‘ survival of the fittest ’ and has been seen by some historians as the first of the ‘ social Darwinists ’ .
11 One should attempt to avoid the situation where your own surgeon is instructed to prepare an initial Report some 12–24 months after the accident or as has been seen in some cases , up to four years after an accident .
12 To lead in all the polls as the favoured candidate for the Tory succession , to persuade your own party that you offer a distinctive viewpoint without being in any way overtly disloyal , to convince even the cynics of the Press that you pose a realistic alternative to the present leadership — no phenomenon like it has been seen in British politics for 50 years .
13 What this HCF consists of has been seen in different ways .
14 This rapid rise in fundal pH is due to the buffering effect of the food , largely because of the protein present , and this has been seen in previous experiments with different test meals .
15 Cos I wondered if funerals would would wo have been seen as another sign of disrespect .
16 Jovially swapping innuendos which a year earlier would have been seen as bad taste sexism by the singer .
17 ‘ Whoever it is has presumably been coming regularly since last November so he or she must have been seen by other people .
18 Sliding hiatel hernia had been seen at preoperative cineradiography in 16 of 21 patients with follow up endoscopy , but no paraoesophageal hernia .
19 None had been seen at that time in the Harwell experiments that preceded ZETA but Kurchatov announced that the Soviets were seeing some neutrons which were due to fusion occurring , but were unlikely to be from thermonuclear fusion because the rate of their production did not vary with current in the expected way .
20 Before starting school he had attended the child development centre , received speech therapy and since had been seen on several occasions by the educational psychologist .
21 He had been seen on several levels of the North Star site .
22 He was a founder member of the France-Iraq Friendship Association , and within the Socialist Party ( PS ) he led the small " socialism and republic " faction which had voted against the government in the parliamentary vote on the Gulf war on Jan. 16 [ see above ] ; the existence of this faction , together with size of France 's Arab community and the strength of its pacifist movement , had been seen as domestic factors influencing Mitterrand 's eleventh-hour diplomatic initiatives .
23 In the drama departments there was a general welcome for the move away from written papers , which had been seen by many drama specialists as a cause of confusion between drama and English literature , with students often finding it difficult to respond to the change in emphasis towards a set text that this involved .
24 The earlier Meech Lake constitutional plan which had collapsed in June 1990 [ see pp. 37413 ; 37519-20 ; 37705-06 ] had been seen by English-speaking provinces , and Indian native peoples , to embody excessive concessions to Quebec .
25 It will do so from a common perspective : that is , how might each of them handle what have been seen as necessary imperatives of organizational action ?
26 These have been seen as appropriate developments from the teaching in the Bible .
27 The largest gathering away from Chichester Harbour appears to be of 19 at Rye Harbour in February 1968 and up to 13 together have been seen on inland waters , although single birds and parties of up to five are most usual .
28 These cover a large range of things , like the patient 's age , the patient 's sex , where the pain is , where it started , how quickly it came on , and so on and so forth , and essentially within the computer has a large table , and this table contains , how shall I put it , the frequency with which this particular symptom was associated with a particular disease over the last few hundred patients that have been seen at that hospital .
29 His creations have been seen at many eisteddfodau in North Wales .
30 The current excavations are the first time that the theatre 's remains have been seen since that destruction .
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