Example sentences of "[verb] been [prep] [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The midwife said to me , ‘ This child has been on this earth before ’ and I thought that was rather an odd thing to say , but the midwife seemed quite adamant .
2 The Midland Fishery trout farm has been on this site at Horsley near Nailsworth since 1883 ; now its present owners have decided to sell .
3 A bridge has been on this site from the 14th century .
4 ‘ No-one has been on this path for two days . ’
5 He 's fitter and sharper than he has been at any stage of his career , and he 's now playing to his full potential .
6 But the broad trend has been for this gap between the experience of rich and poor worlds to narrow ( see the graph on Page 16 ) .
7 As Elisabeth , Rosalind Plowright sounded more secure than she has been for some time on British stages and sang her last aria with true Verdian pathos and passion .
8 There has been for some time in Africa debate concerning the suitability for the Eucharist of wheat bread and grape wine .
9 However , it seems plausible that this source of energy has been of little importance in the past because Jupiter is so very massive that it probably formed very hot , though Jupiter may now be sufficiently cool for helium separation to have recently become significant , or for it to become significant in the relatively near future .
10 Can you say what the best things are from your drama school experience and what has been of most value to you during your first year in the profession ?
11 I mean , Diana herself has never in her lifetime uttered one statement that has been of any use to any member of the human race . ’
12 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
13 On balance , I believe that Britain 's membership of the EEC has been of some benefit in terms of the home market which she has gained and will continue to gain as and when her partners honour their commitments to complete the Single Market ; however , as should be clear from the figures quoted in Chapter 5 , the assertion that EEC membership has been good for Britain is open to question .
14 The work of Norman Shneidman has been of some value in highlighting the way in which sport in Soviet society is ‘ directed towards the all-round development of the human individual ’ ( 1979 , p.7 ) .
15 Doctors have not always welcomed the establishment of computer systems in hospitals — computers have often proved difficult to use , and the information has been of more use to managers than to clinicians .
16 The family has been in this part of Scotland for about two hundred years or more , from what I can gather , and we used to own a lot of the land around here .
17 Steve Cauthen is confident of a good run from Irish St Leger winner Mashaallah , but Magic Night has been in this battle before and this time she can win .
18 Buckley has been in this job since 1988 and in the department since 1981 , but she started as a lawyer in private practice , a profession where equality is far more of a reality than in industry .
19 The dissidents who resigned from his ‘ cabinet ’ look ominously like a vanguard of the fundamentalist persuasion which has been in some abeyance since the defeat of Jim Sillars .
20 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
21 I 'd been at that school for two terms , eight months at the most .
22 Well none of the lads were prepared to take that on , cos we 'd been on this contract with for the last eleven years .
23 It may be that demands were made beyond the capability of a particular individual , or the person concerned may simply have been to some degree in ill health .
24 It would have been of little comfort to investors to learn that Chairman John Wheeler had , according to former business colleagues , been living a luxury lifestyle , spending almost £70,000 on refitting his yacht , and thousands of pounds renovating his six-bedroom house .
25 Gould 's arrangements for his own children were meticulously considered , which must have been of some consolation to his wife , who had dutifully resolved to accompany her husband to Australia .
26 Everything was very hush-hush , and it was not until it was over that the name of the target was made common knowledge — not that it would have been of any interest to us if we had known beforehand , because none of us had ever heard of it .
27 They must have been at that game for ages — and no anaesthetics , either .
28 The clouds could have been at any height from fifty feet to six miles .
29 It must have been with some degree of cautiousness and a heightened sense of responsibility that Gould once more stocked up on shot , caps , and powder on his way back through Launceston for the journey home .
30 If I could have departed then , never reentered the house , it would have been with some strength of mind .
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