Example sentences of "[verb] been [noun sg] [prep] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such an approach has been characteristic of much of the best historical writing of the last generation or so .
2 There has been coverage with such as yourselves and er the local papers , and we are getting word of mouth enquiries now , but we , we have said it 's for the newly qualified driver and since we 've started this scheme , I would put newly qualified in inverted commas , because we 've had two or three ladies ring us up who 've had four and five years driving experience as such and they 're frightened to death to go on a motorway and have n't been on a motorway .
3 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
4 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
5 If in a particular language a woman referred to a large number of men other than her husband by the same term as the one she used for her husband , this implied , for Morgan and Engels , that in an earlier stage of this system , a woman would have been wife to all of these men .
6 The improved neutron detector was finally ready ‘ later in the year ’ and ‘ within a few weeks ’ the results were positive enough that they formed the basis of the paper that was sent for publication on 23 March 1989 , the paper that should have been sibling to that of Fleischmann and Pons .
7 Offa had been overlord of much of southern England , but in 796 Kent rebelled under Eadbert Praen [ q.v . ] .
8 This semi-audible remark made me uneasy — that there had been debate at all on my utility — so much so that I wished I had never heard it .
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