Example sentences of "[verb] been [v-ing] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For years , Costa Rica has been calling for the extradition of US citizen John Hull , charged with premeditated homicide , drugs and arms trafficking , along with other criminal acts including participation in the 1984 bombing of a news conference at La Penca , in which six died .
2 They have set up an AIDS task force , which has been searching for the bug that causes the disease ; they suspect a virus .
3 Euro competition chief Sir Leon Brittan has been pushing for the guide since a survey found British cars were an average 59 per cent dearer than the cheapest Continental prices .
4 Mr Brandreth has been campaigning for the Army 's new pay and personnel centre to be located in Chester and he led two delegations from the city to see Mr Hanley 's predecessor , Archie Hamilton .
5 Batty has been missing for the past 5 ? games .
6 Often the pilot is lost and has been worrying for the past half an hour about where he is .
7 Political pressure has been growing for the Queen to pay .
8 Although he has had his feet under the desk only since January , he has been preparing for the job since last summer by meeting researchers and officials , visiting institutes abroad and drawing up an initial draft of his plans .
9 Jenny Pitman is another who has been waiting for the rain before releasing a very strong team .
10 Ever since I started consultancy work in politics , I 'd been pushing for the use of this simple invention — a British one — but it was n't until after President Reagan used it in his address to the Houses of Parliament that our politicians felt it was worthy of notice .
11 But , more than that , his predilection for Neath players deprived the club of their own best talent so that when they would otherwise have been training for the league , instead they were training for the Five Nations Championship .
12 Your , your arithmetic has really improved you know , you can do these things in your head now whereas not all that long ago you 'd have been reaching for the calculator thinking , oh I ca n't do that .
13 ‘ Mait wo n't have been heading for the dock , ’ Ace reasoned .
14 Despite the widespread feeling that there had been a victory for parental rights , many of the Dewsbury parents claimed to have been acting for the sake of their children .
15 He had been looking for the omen Heather might have nerved herself to disregard .
16 He had been looking for the Face of Death .
17 Apart from anything else , his family came from Glasgow ( unlike twenty-five of the thirty-one Scottish lord lieutenants , Admiral Bryson had also been educated in Scotland ) , as several of the big Sussex landowners who had been hoping for the job quickly pointed out .
18 Afterwards , he felt it had been as if each of them had been waiting for the other to touch on a delicate subject .
19 He had been waiting for the spirit warrior his father had told him of in infancy , the One-Eyed White Girl .
20 Miss Gregg told detectives her mother had been waiting for the handyman to call at the time of her death .
21 It was as if a sick national organism had been waiting for the right , suitably appalling , symptom to erupt into general protest at its fate .
22 And who was it who said that when he agreed to play the Devil in the Witches of Eastwick , it was because he had been practising for the role all his life ?
23 He had been pressing for the opportunity to abandon himself , free of dogma , and here it was .
24 The case of Kenneth Littlejohn had been prominent in the news during the year and they had the impression that he had been working for the Home Office .
25 I had been working for the Countess as a personal assistant since she married the Earl in 1976 .
26 Mr Wilbraham , who is only 34 , had been working for the family shipping and engineering business until it was sold in 1987 .
27 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
28 Sighing , Tim 's father said the family knew the country had been praying for the 12-year-old .
29 We 've been waiting for the knight in shining armour and then there is n't one .
30 I 've been waiting for the battery to run down .
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