Example sentences of "[verb] been [vb pp] at [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The acquisition of existing agencies has significantly widened our geographical representation and has been achieved at considerably lower costs than incurred by others who had previously entered the business .
2 After an initial post-independence surge , primary school enrolment has been held at around 46 per cent by the destruction of rural schools and the resulting lack of access for many nominally enrolled pupils .
3 Is it then to be concluded that the Cromer area has been downwarped at least 70 m since the Cromerian interglacial , or , if such an amount of downwarping seems to be excessive , that the sea level of the Cromerian interglacial was not as high as 70 m above the present ?
4 In Bermuda lava has been found at much shallower depths ranging from 20 to 170 m ( approx. 70–570 ft ) approximately , but in the Bahamas a deep boring ended at nearly 450 m ( 1 500 ft ) in Lower Cretaceous dolomite .
5 The fen violet has been found at only two sites , and the New Forest cicada and the water beetle at only one each .
6 Indeed , the risk on acute psychiatric units has been estimated at over 50 times the risk in the general population ( Fernando and Storm 1984 ) .
7 It has indeed made a saving of some £3 billion , but the costs of the rebates paid so far has been estimated at around three times that much .
8 For exemption to apply , the gift must have been made at least seven years before the donor 's death and moreover , it must have been unconditionally given ; or to use the jargon , ‘ without reservation ’ .
9 He added : ‘ The operators should have been given at least another 12 months , rather than having to face a judge and jury overnight decision by someone on the Intervention Board . ’
10 ‘ The operators should have been given at least another 12 months , rather than having to face a judge and jury overnight decision by someone on the Intervention Board . ’
11 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
12 If he had grown opium on his half acre , he would have been guaranteed at least 20,000 rupees .
13 Your three separate readings should have been executed at very different speeds , the third reading being the slowest and the second the fastest .
14 There is no reason why it could n't have been invented at almost any time in the previous century — it used no new scientific knowledge , no new materials , and no new technology .
15 Some were so tiny , having been born at under 30 weeks gestation and spent several months in incubators .
16 Moreover , it is far from clear that the LDDC has managed to obtain anything like the best financial deals in its negotiations with developers : land appears to have been sold at substantially less than might have been achieved , and as the freeholder the LDDC has retained little control of , nor gained any benefit from , subsequent development .
17 Simon Hayday , who 's in his early twenties , had been stabbed at least six times .
18 Peter Wickins had been stabbed at least four times in the chest .
19 The results of the survey were published in the spring of 1988 : the views expressed in it naturally reflected the fact that the Action Plan 's implementation had been done at almost breakneck speed and had required much effort on the part of FE lecturers .
20 Notice of the application for the injunction had been given at about 11 a.m. and the hearing took place after lunch .
21 His car had been damaged at least six times and he 'd moved his double glazing factory because of three attempted robberies .
22 Nearly all our crew were to tell us harrowing anecdotes of personal encounters with hungry pythons — some of which had been measured at over twenty-eight feet long .
23 It was an important administration and social centre and had been populated at least two thousand years BC .
24 have denied overreacting in taking seven children into care after they had been left at home alone .
25 Meetings had been held at increasingly high levels between Iran and Britain .
26 Teachers ' unions have been consulted at both local and national levels .
27 A total of seven young have been raised at specially guarded nests in Scotland .
28 The igneous complexes described have been dated at c. 2200 m.y .
29 The chances of finding a male tortoiseshell have been calculated at about 200 to 1 .
30 Courses aimed at training computer professionals have been started at nearly 250 institutions in the country .
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