Example sentences of "[verb] been [vb pp] for many years " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the role of fibrinogen in platelet aggregation has been recognised for many years ( Born & Cross , 1964 ; Brinkhaus et al , 1965 ) .
2 Salicylate nephrotoxicity has been recognised for many years .
3 ‘ Hemp has been grown for many years on the Continent and this decision will allow UK farmers to gain a share of the market currently occupied by our EC partners . ’
4 Its bid to become a polytechnic has been supported for many years by Conservative Members from Derbyshire .
5 This approach , a very recent development for credit in this country ( though of course it has been accepted for many years as the basis of car insurance ratings ) , started in America .
6 This is the practice that has been followed for many years and by and large it has worked .
7 That Soviet ships dumped nuclear waste in the area has been suspected for many years .
8 This method has been taught for many years and I do not think that pilots who have learned to do it this way need bother to change .
9 The gall bladder epithelium has been considered for many years to be an excellent model for the study of the physiological properties of epithelial cells and in particular ion transport .
10 Boarding out ( or fostering ) has been practised for many years and the Curtis Committee on the care of children strongly urged that this should be the first choice in finding substitute homes .
11 The possibility of a connection between the disappearance of coronae and the onset of massive winds has been discussed for many years .
12 The publication of correspondence between famous people has been used for many years for the purposes of scholastic enquiry .
13 The ERNIE machine is a modern computerized form of sampling by ‘ random numbers ’ which has been used for many years in research .
14 G. affinis is a small ( 4.6 cm long ) , surface-feeding minnow which originated in the United States and has been used for many years in many parts of the world to control mosquito larvae .
15 Let us begin by trying to understand the rationale for the system ; after all , it has been used for many years and must presumably have had some point to it .
16 It has been used for many years in traveller 's diarrhoea , as a colostomy deodoriser , and as an antispirochetal agent in syphilis .
17 These are in addition to applications in the detergents field , in which it has been used for many years .
18 Our system of construction has been used for many years all over this country , by the sponsoring authorities and others , and erm we do n't have the earthquake requirements , but we do need many high value schools both quickly and on time , and we 've completed something like 2,000 projects similar to this over many years .
19 To ‘ off-comed 'uns ’ it is not even a large village , with only 2,080 inhabitants , but to the native it is a town because it has held a market charter since 1223 and although no market has been held for many years , the charter was read once a year in the market place until 1939 .
20 It has been known for many years that damage to the left hemisphere is more likely to affect language ability than damage to the right , suggesting that the left hemisphere is very important for language .
21 For example , it is still commonplace in cartoons to show cavemen and dinosaurs together , despite the fact that it has been known for many years that dinosaurs were extinct long before the evolution of ‘ cavemen ’ .
22 It has been known for many years that rich clusters contain a lot of gas and dark matter , but Ponman and Bertram 's result shows that these features apply more generally .
23 It has been known for many years that neurons , like other cells , can be maintained alive and well under such conditions for periods of many days or even weeks , provided they are kept warm , aerated and well fed with glucose and other essential molecules .
24 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
25 Also in the field of biogeography world maps of plant formations had been utilized for many years and had indeed been adopted as the basis for some climatic classification by attempting to fit the classification to the plant distribution .
26 Relations with China , which had been strained for many years since the 1962 war between the two countries , gradually improved after Rajiv Gandhi 's visit to Beijing on Dec. 19-23 , 1988 , the first to China by an Indian Prime Minister for 34 years .
27 In fact , even the most basic repairs had been neglected for many years before that , so that structural problems developed where they might have been avoided .
28 She had brought glasses and dishes from home , she said ; they had been boxed for many years too long .
29 The decrease in spot density with age observed in patients with constipation is not therefore an age related factor , but is most probably related to the duration of the symptoms as most had been constipated for many years .
30 Although the general distribution of earthquakes around the world had been known for many years , it was only with the establishment of a comprehensive network of seismographic stations to monitor underground nuclear weapons testing in the early 1960s that a detailed global picture emerged ( Fig. 2.10 ) .
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