Example sentences of "[verb] been [adv] [adj] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Although this has been particularly influential for many forms of Western Marxism , it also represents a deviation from Marx 's original claim that history is the effect of material conditions rather than of human consciousness .
2 In that context , what has been particularly difficult for all of us in Scotland to deal with has been the Government 's secrecy .
3 Internal migration within Britain has been largely responsible for these trends , with the level of net immigration to the South rising from 24 000 a year in 1971/73 to 45–50 000 a year by the end of the 1970s and rising steadily since 1981 to reach 69 000 in 1985/6 ( figure 8.2 ) .
4 A pilot scale rig dedicated to the exploration and development of the silver bullet process has been fully operational for some months .
5 Wife Marguerita said : ‘ This has been very upsetting for both of us .
6 Does my hon. Friend agree that , in certain cases , it has been extremely difficult for some smaller pubs to be able to pay the amount of money that some of the brewers have been asking them to pay ?
7 The active involvement between Japan and the Western world which began in the 1850s has been so important for both that a consideration of Japan 's place in the world order is an appropriate starting point for any discussion of her recent history .
8 I THINK I must have been slightly mad for most of my life .
9 Few , however , will have been as well-prepared for this as Don Cruickshank , the ; new director-general of the telecommunications regulator , Oftel , who has come to the post after three years as the first-ever chief executive of the National Health Service in Scotland where public controversy , as he put it , ‘ is part of the job ’ .
10 Two crews that would have been especially grateful for this kind of compensation were Dennis Arlett and Patricial Lagesse whose accumulated woes would not let them pass Gao while , even more heart-rending was the final submission of the chassis previously held together by Jean-Christophe Savzey and Claire de Valbray — an agonizing 50km from the finish .
11 Although insufficient to provide the full service , these bogie cars were worked hard on the main line and sometimes worked to Thornton Heath but never to Addiscombe or Penge , where they might have been too long for some of the passing loops on these lines .
12 Life must have been very hard for many of these poor women . ’
13 If it had n't been for the canter Nails would not have been terribly keen for another lesson , but the canter had given him dreams above his station .
14 She had drifted off , and had been fast asleep for some hours when the sound of someone 's keeping their finger pressed on her doorbell roused her from a deep sleep .
15 Yet in racing , in export credit guarantees and elsewhere , the Chancellor was reacting late in the day to complaints that had been clearly audible for some considerable time .
16 Although collectors have been the traditional mainstays of this market , they had been largely absent for several seasons .
17 Judges said the standard of entries had been exceptionally high for such an event , with many of the styles created being ‘ very innovative ’ .
18 The Scots had been entirely unprepared for this , thus far into their own country , and were engaged in herding the great herd of Gilsland cattle across the Dornock Water 's estuary , some one side of the river , some the other .
19 Play was end to end in the first half , but catching Bicester cold after a player had been down injured for some time , Wantage took the lead on thirty five minutes , when Andy Cooper brilliantly volleyed home a touch on from Jamie Alexander for a one nil half time lead .
20 Everyone had been waiting on tenterhooks on the platform , as they had been technically ready for more than a day .
21 Mansur Rajih had been politically active for most of his adult life .
22 Epicontinental seas have been biologically significant for several reasons .
23 It 's been particularly bleak for many workers .
24 He does n't , you know , talk about all the hardships she 's had , and it 's been very difficult for all tho , he is absolutely straight but he still deals with her in love and compassion !
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