Example sentences of "[verb] been [prep] house [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The seven laureates hope to focus world attention on the plight of Ms Suu Kyi , who has been under house arrest in Burma since 1989 , and 1,500 other political prisoners of the junta .
2 The seven laureates hope to focus world attention on the plight of Ms Suu Kyi , who has been under house arrest in Burma since 1989 , and 1,500 other political prisoners of the junta .
3 However she was unable to attend , having been under house arrest in Burma which is ruled by the military , for the past four years .
4 Suu Kyi , secretary general of the opposition National League for Democracy ( NLD ) , had been under house arrest since July 1989 [ see p. 36816 ] .
5 This meant in effect that Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition leader who had been under house arrest since July 1989 , was removed as the party 's secretary general .
6 In April 1991 Aung San Suu Kyi , who had been under house arrest since July 1989 , had been effectively removed as NLD general secretary [ see p. 38151 ] .
7 During the following week over 30 political prisoners were reportedly released , including a number of bodyguards and assistants to Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition figure who had been under house arrest since July 1989 .
8 Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition figure who had been under house arrest since mid-1989 , was permitted a visit by her husband , Michael Aris , and two sons during May .
9 The resolution also called for the unconditional release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi , who had been under house arrest since 1989 .
10 It was obvious that he had been under house arrest at some point in his life . ’
11 All this time , Lumumba had been under house arrest in Leopoldville .
12 But one woman who should have been there could n't attend the ceremony — because she 's been under house arrest for the past four years .
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