Example sentences of "[verb] been [prep] [noun] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Srebrenica has been under Serb siege since the Bosnian civil war began 11 months ago .
2 So our emphasis has been on cost reduction and internal quality issues .
3 The Bishop of Gloucester , the right reverend Peter Ball , has been on rest leave since he was first interviewed by police in December .
4 The emphasis in schools has been on computer science and CAL .
5 Throughout most of this period the focus has been on government records and then mainly at a national level , although in rare instances the issues have been addressed at a more local level .
6 It is nevertheless significant that , however much anti-German growling there has been on Capitol Hill since the invasion of Kuwait , little has been heard within the administration .
7 William , who has been on invalidity benefit since the accident , accepted a settlement of £70,000 a few days before the case started .
8 Since the crisis began in the late 1970s , spending on education below tertiary level has been at rock bottom and health little better .
9 The general trend over the years has been for LDC governments and state enterprises to rely increasingly on international banks rather than official transfers , i.e. foreign aid , to meet their foreign currency financial needs .
10 Ricardo International plc has been in engine research and problem-solving for 75 years , and the world 's biggest motor names bring their problems to Ricardo 's door .
11 She is Dutch , in her late twenties , and she has been in North Africa for one-and-a-half years .
12 You 'd been to convent school as well , you said .
13 She 'd been to South Africa and showed us some lovely diamonds .
14 I only wish I could have been with Mr Grant when he researched the feature .
15 Oh it 'll likely have been about Blair Gowrie or Pitlochry or some place , just anybody who would have taken him in .
16 We could have been like George Sand and Chopin ; greater than them ! and Gustave insists on disappearing for three months with that ambitious catamite of his .
17 With fewer of those serving having been to Sunday school and with the small number of hymns learnt at school , the repertoire is very limited .
18 Lewis , whose youthful enthusiasm had been for Norse sagas and the verse tales of William Morris , seems to have been converted to Christianity by considering whether the Christian myth might not , after all ‘ be something more than a fiction .
19 The junior leader training at the Army Apprentice College at Harrogate had been on weekend leave and was due back at 11pm on Sunday .
20 Elie had been at Tiger Haven before they both arrived and that apparently confirmed the pecking order .
21 McLeish , warmed by the fact that she had taken the trouble to find out a bit about him , confirmed he had been at Reading University and had worked as a young sergeant in the Flying Squad .
22 He had come here on a misunderstanding ; believing that Wavebreaker had been at Murder Cay when in fact we had not even been within sight of that mysterious island .
23 Mrs MacIllarry and her two children , aged 2 and 4 , had been with Mrs Smith when she was shot .
24 Fields had spent some months , and a modest amount of money , examining the feasibility of a new transatlantic airline ; he had approached several key figures who had been with Laker Airways and solicited their interest ; he had begun to make enquiries about purchasing an aircraft .
25 Previously he had been with Intel Corp and Burroughs .
26 The United Provinces , as they were then known , had been under Habsburg rule and began a 40-year war with Spain for their national independence in the 1570s .
27 The Foreign Minister was Nguyen Tuong Tam who had been in south China but not as an associate of Ho Chi Minh ( he fled from Hanoi in June 1946 ) .
28 The court heard that Wilson , who had been in South Africa since the offences , married in May of this year .
29 Later , Julia discovered that the German army in question had been in South Africa and that Colonel Scotland 's appointment had ended some years before the Great War .
30 I had been in New York when Masquerade was stolen .
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