Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 THE extraordinary thing about Laura Ashley is not that it has been dragged back from the financial brink ; it is that it was ever pushed there in the first place .
2 The issue has been referred back to the MacLeod Estates , from whom a reply is awaited .
3 The choice of 6 January for this purpose has been traced back to the gnostic Christians of Egypt , the corresponding date in the calendar used there being traditionally associated with the blessing of the Nile .
4 This tradition has been traced back to the sixth century AD .
5 But their bid has been knocked back by the Government which claimed their independent valuation was only about half the real value .
6 The last ten days gradually it has been coming back since the really trough period in late January with the war and the snow , etc. , and in fact this week erm we 're expecting this week to probably do double the level of bookings that we did last week , and that 's on overseas holidays for summer and winter .
7 The upfilling of section sof beach on the south side of the old fly ash block , which was agreed by the Director at the request of ELDC Councillors , has been held back from the Contractor .
8 Baby One has been handed back to the local health authority and is being cared for at another hospital .
9 just to point out to members that the promised report on the lorry management plan which is in the first preparation has been put back to the January committee meeting on the Highways Committee so that we can get full advantage from the traffic and
10 The hull and the deck mouldings are identical to those of the earlier yacht , except that the transom has been raked back from the tuck to meet an extension of the deck .
11 Since then , Demidenko has been welcomed back to the Festival regularly and now that he has settled permanently in London , it is all the easier .
12 This softly layered bob has been teased back from the face and dressed with wax
13 Whatever evidence the IAAF officials discovered in the laboratory , one only needed to look at recent pictures of Johnson , in which he resembled an inflated balloon , to guess that his improved times showed he 'd been sucked back into the drug culture .
14 The trap in Sam 's boathouse kept intruding and so did Angela Brickell ; the cold threat of khaki water that could rush into aching lungs to bring oblivion and the earthy girl who 'd been claimed back by the earth , eaten clean by earth creatures , become earth-digested dust .
15 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
16 I certainly would n't have been invited back to the Parsons ' , but I could have lived with that .
17 The applause from the crowd round the green must have been heard back at the clubhouse .
18 The taste for sweet and highly spiced food , which made little use of the plants which grew easily in our temperate Northern climate , may well have been brought back from the Holy Land by returning Crusaders .
19 He saw service in both world wars , having been called back to the RAF reserve when the Second World War broke out and stayed in until 1947 .
20 all that money that they keep demanding from the er th wa th wa the firms and such like that ought to have been ploughed back into the firm !
21 A BITTER David Gower blasted England 's selectors last night after he was virtually the last to hear he had been tossed back into the cricketing wilderness .
22 This was to continue until by 1962 300 000 Dutch citizens had been sent back to the Netherlands , 280000 of them being ‘ Brown Dutchmen ’ , Eurasians , strangers to Europe .
23 The sea breeze was strong enough to mould the skirts of passing women , and Grunte , who could remember little of the events of the night , save that he had spent a good deal of money feeding the faces of his party faithful ( ‘ Pity about Hyacinth ’ ) , and that he had been seen back to the Grand after a drink or two by Leroy Burns ( ‘ Grand fellow , must see if I ca n't find him another Sierra ’ ) , gave thought to his pending performance .
24 Where the wings of pain had dropped him , there had miraculously been infinite but unblinding light , a great strenuous joy that was somehow calm , like a crystal bowl that you do not drink out of , and now he had been floated back to the comfortable shore of his cool clean bed .
25 He had been escorted back to the Vicarage by a plainclothes officer , not the one who had been working most closely with Commander Dalgliesh , but an older man , broad-shouldered , stolid , reassuringly calm , who had spoken to him in a soft country accent which he could n't recognize but was most certainly not local .
26 For a moment , until the old men had been dragged back to the barricade , all was chaos .
27 A spokesman for the ministry confirmed that an outbreak of food poisoning in Bedworth in July had been traced back to the monastery .
28 An NRA spokesman said the spillage had been traced back to the Lartington Treatment Works , where there had been no threat to drinking water .
29 A few Bronze Age artifacts were turned up in the dark soil , but they had meant nothing to those who had seen them , and they had been turned back into the earth .
30 Nevertheless AFHQ was not informed that the Croats had been turned back until the morning of 16 May , and even then it took some time for the information to be fully taken in by all branches concerned .
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