Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] to [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 SCOTVEC 's Annual Report for 1987/88 is now available and has been sent to all centres and to other bodies with an interest in vocational education and training .
2 There is a fuller description of the Framework in the ‘ Quality Development Programme Policy Paper ’ , a copy of which has been sent to all centres .
3 It has just launched a booklet ‘ The Case Against Tobacco Advertising ’ , which has been sent to all MPs and is endorsed by other charities , medical organisations , the Health Education Authority , NHS Authorities and Trusts and the trade union movement .
4 The Coronary Prevention Group has produced a booklet , ‘ The Case Against Tobacco Advertising ’ , which ASH and a long list of eminent medical organisations endorsed and which has been sent to all MPs .
5 After the glue has been applied to both edges of each segment and they are assembled , the banding clamp is dropped down over the assembly and tightened until the joints close up tightly .
6 Attention has been given to such topics as the marking of subjects for gender , the differential achievements of boys and girls , and the poor performance of secondary school girls in mathematics .
7 It is not concerned with the question whether proper weight has been given to those factors .
8 Famed for its gentle , artistic people and elaborately performed ceremonies , the Island of the Gods , Lombok is a mere fifteen minute flight from Bali , but unlike her close sister , this island has been exposed to few tourists .
9 The increasing control of TDC by the Texas courts has been referred to several times already .
10 He was accused of passing on ‘ state secrets ’ to the Agence France Presse reporter Lawrence Macdonald , whose account of the student protests has been referred to several occasions .
11 There has already been a switch of emphasis away from sheltered housing for the elderly to other groups in special need , and what money has been available has been targetted to those areas which have not been well served in the past ( peripheral housing estates , remote areas and less attractive small towns ) , or to developments offering very special facilities ( eg sheltered housing for the elderly deaf ) .
12 A guidance note on its use has been issued to all members of academic and academic-related staff .
13 In particular , attention has been directed to such questions as whether it is being dismantled or whether its frontiers are being narrowed by privatisation .
14 So every time you return the carriage to the machine , tip it up first to check that nothing metallic ( pins and needles are great offenders , not to mention the double ended bodkin ) has been drawn to these magnets .
15 The country has been closed to all outsiders for almost 50 years , under a totalitarian dictatorship , the hardest regime in the world , shocking even hardline communists of the former Soviet bloc .
16 In the UK the rubella vaccine has been offered to all girls in early adolescence and to non-pregnant women of child-bearing age who are found to be serologically negative for this antigen but with the use of the new measles/mumps/rubella ( MMR ) vaccine to small children ( 1988 ) , this will eventually become unnecessary .
17 It is not a colour-marking breed , but has been exported to several countries in Europe , North America and Australasia .
18 The site has been known to many antiquaries from the eighteenth century onwards ; Gordon recorded that the circuit of the walls was still conspicuous , a description which conflicts with the almost contemporary report of that other noted antiquarian of Hadrian 's Wall , John Horsley , who wrote that the Roman site was almost entirely levelled and under the plough .
19 Despite this claim to fame the church has been subjected to several indignities , having been deconsecrated and used as a barracks and a chemical store before being reopened for worship in 1899 .
20 There are exceptions and it is fair to say that over recent years a good deal more attention has been paid to these problems .
21 A number of Group companies completed reviews of their environmental performance and by the end of 1993 , this will have been extended to all companies .
22 It is a pity that this civilized sort of arrangement could n't have been extended to more cities .
23 Fortunately those of my friends who knew me before were only amused by this foolish description and there was no general resentment of my peerage , which could properly have been attributed to many services that I had given to the government — of both colours .
24 The advice was given after Jo had been speaking to both children and their parents ( an audience that included 12 year old Romy Hutchins — a participant in the Challenge — and her father Paul , the former British Davis Cup captain and national team manager ) , in a unique question and answer session which preceded an on court clinic for the 20 or so participating juniors .
25 But the water company spokesman said letters had been sent to all tenants letting them know what was happening .
26 Two days before last Q.T. Day the Society 's representatives had an interview with the Sports Council Grant Panel — the serious situation arising from that had been explained to all teachers present and everyone was asked to take a copy of the Development Plan to study .
27 This paper had been given to all councillors by an official of Orkney Islands Council .
28 The Department of the Environment , announcing the allocations , said priority had been given to those sites which were most badly contaminated .
29 We lesser mortals who had been banished to such places as Wolverton were , however , less fortunate .
30 Meanwhile it had been fitted to many warships and liners , including the Scandinavian and Lusitania .
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