Example sentences of "[verb] been [adj] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Photographic recording of naevi and use of these photographs to detect change suggesting development of melanoma has been essential in this study .
2 John Brushwood from Hook End , has been hand-picked from this month 's lucky dip , as the winner of a year 's supply of Scuba World .
3 Tumin claims that the American Medical Association has been guilty of this practice .
4 Well I 've visited both Cambodia itself and the camps , er first of all in the camps , the situation is appalling because there are very many people who do not want to be in those camps and are really in effect being held there against their will , and what has been extraordinary until this year , is that the people who 've been holding them there against their will have been the Phol Pot dominated so-called coalition government and on the basis of the people being in the camps , that , that , that regime has gone on to claim recognition at the United Nations ; an appalling situation .
5 Virtually no service has been immune from this process .
6 To conclude , in order to examine an area which is rarely focused upon in itself , it has been necessary in this chapter artificially to abstract the object , considering it in rather universalistic terms , and in relation to a perhaps overdrawn dichotomy with language .
7 Recently it has been well-aired in this country through broadcasts and festivals ; enough to form an initial overall view .
8 Johnson 's work merits this special position both because it has been influential in this country — Bankowski and Mungham ( 1976 ) use it , for example , and it routinely appears on ‘ English Legal System ’ booklists — and also because he explicitly takes issue with ideologically determined empiricist and common sense definitions of professionals in terms of the ‘ traits ’ which they possess .
9 And some of the buildup play has been tremendous in this period of time .
10 Catholic Caring Services is an approved adoption agency for the Diocese of Lancaster and has been involved in this work for 60 years .
11 Medau work has been popular in this part of Paris for the past eighteen years .
12 The work of Dr Fines and colleagues has been important in this field ( see Box 7 ) .
13 The Panel , and the Institutional Shareholders Committee which has been worried about this conflict , say there is no problem with traditional buy-outs of subsidiary companies .
14 A lot of our discussion so far has been concerned with this kind of " saying " , but I have purposely avoided introducing any of the technical jargon of semiotics ( the theory of signs ) and this is now leading me into difficulty because the ordinary use of words in social anthropological discourse is crudely imprecise .
15 I think it 's very interesting since half the century has been concerned with this question of objects .
16 A lot of my work has been concerned with this area and as my experience has grown I have learnt to wait until the people involved tell me they want to talk .
17 Everyone has been excellent during this nightmare . ’
18 Agribusiness that operates in sectors marked by seasonal fluctuations has been prone to this sort of employment .
19 Anyone who has been instrumental in this transformation of another person 's life through the impact of the Word of God and the Spirit of God will know that it is not his own doing .
20 Bill Chandler , of the Batelle Memorial Institute 's Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Washington DC , has been instrumental in this initiative .
21 Yes indeed , Bob Giles , the membership has been quiet on this issue .
22 tournament administrator , said : ‘ The tournament really would n't have been possible without this sponsorship .
23 This book has been written from the US Army 's court-martial records , something which would not have been possible in this country , where such records are closed to the public for 100 years .
24 Whether it would have been possible against this background of practically continuous fighting in the south , more than a year before the first Vietnam war between France and the Vietminh is usually reckoned to have begun , for either side to have modified its objectives to the point where compromise could have been reached is obviously a question which is relevant to the origins of the Vietnam war and one must therefore look for the characteristics which , at least after the event , suggest a remarkably high risk of collision .
25 The availability of omeprazole allowed us to achieve complete healing of oesophagitis in all our patients which would not have been possible before this drug was available .
26 No doubt she should have been alarmed at this thought but she remained excited by it .
27 And so , Nicodemus would have been familiar with this story , and Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so , must the son of man be lifted up , but whoever believes in him may have eternal life .
28 The late Ray Petri would have been proud of this issue .
29 Big Daddy would have been proud of this tackle on Dave Mitchell , but the ref waved play on .
30 For Gordon might well have been one of this newspaper 's very first journalists .
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