Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] as [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hans Peter Gohla has been appointed as executive director of the Catholic Media Council ( CAMECO ) in Aachen , Germany .
2 Our congratulations go to two Trainers , who will shortly be taking up new appointments — Joan Gatfield has been appointed as Associate Lecturer at Southwark and Hilary Weedon is now Senior Liaison Officer of the National Childrens Play and Recreation Unit of the Sports Council .
3 Dr B. M. Grieveson , CChem , FRSC , principal of Grieveson Associates , has been appointed as visiting professor to the department of civil engineering at the University of Surrey .
4 The sustainable yield from the fishery by these methods , which have little effect on other fish species , and no significant effect on dolphins , turtles , or sea birds , has been calculated as 45,000 tonnes per year — 35,000 tonnes of adult fish taken by longlines , and 10,000 juveniles , taken by trolling .
5 The distance has been given as 4500 light-years , but may be as much as 7000 , in which case it must be more than a million times as luminous as the Sun .
6 It was out of these that what has been hypothesized as postmodernist organization developed .
7 ‘ ( a ) when the whole of the price has not been paid or tendered ; ( b ) when a bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument has been received as conditional payment , and the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by reason of the dishonour of the instrument or otherwise . ’
8 This Protocol has been cited as one ground for asserting the illegality of nuclear weapons , even in the absence of any specific written agreement about the latter .
9 M4 MURDER VICTIM IDENTIFIED The man whose body was found early on Monday morning by the M4 exit road at Theale , Berks , has been identified as 44-year-old William Sweet , a photographer from Paddington , London .
10 In other words , rehabilitation has been added as another complication to the already compromised neoclassical position which , as we have already seen , has dominated most Western systems since the early part of the last century : the dominant operational framework is still the retributive tariff .
11 Mr Clarke has been tipped as possible Chancellor or Home Secretary and Mr Heseltine could get an expanded Department of Trade and Industry .
12 He has been succeeded as Chief Operating Officer by John Hogan , previously Managing Director of LASMO North Sea PLC , who has also joined the Board .
13 On the other hand , the maternal depletion syndrome that often characterizes the condition of older women with large families has been offered as partial explanation for the high child mortality risks to births of high order .
14 The manager needs to know — and to make sure other people know — whether what is being practised is what has been described as transactional leadership ( fixing and dealing ) or transforming leadership ( involving partners in raising one another to higher levels of motivation ) .
15 We believe that what has been described as paradoxical pain is what we would refer to as ‘ opioid poorly responsive ’ pain and that opioid responsiveness is a continuum that may be influenced by any of a large number of factors related to the patient and the drug as well as the pain .
16 In the translation of the article by Giorgio Bonsanti , ‘ A little knowledge of restoration is a dangerous thing ’ ( published on the Commentary page of the April issue of The Art Newspaper ) , we in one instance presented as fact what should have been rendered as hoped-for behaviour .
17 Responding to criticism that the commission had said next to nothing about the role of university scientists , , president emeritus of the Rockefeller University in New York and co-chairman of the commission , said that any such comments would have been dismissed as special pleading .
18 After the event Melby was far more pessimistic : ‘ the sickening feeling that this was China all over again' and if , as he allowed , that in Indo-China French colonial policy was as intransigent as ever it may well have been reciprocated as High Commissioner Pignon and General Carpentier both admitted to Melby ‘ privately and with great reluctance that hatred of the French outweighed all other considerations in the thinking of all Vietnamese , whatever their political persuasions ’ .
19 The incidence in the 1960s , however , might have been underestimated as endoscopic biopsy was not available and this study required histological verification rather than a radiological diagnosis .
20 The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage ; Daniel arap Moi was returned for a third five-year term as President in February 1988 [ see p. 36137 ] without recourse to the electorate , having been proposed as sole candidate by the Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) , the sole legal party .
21 The 1798–9 version of The Prelude ( or the first two books ) may be read at this point , and if the reader finds more to enjoy in the narrative sections this is entirely appropriate since they appear to have been written as separate entities and only later blended into a single poem .
22 Some of these appear to have been applied as important criteria from the beginning , while others have grown into a body of case law " .
23 What is less easy to explain is that all of these words seem to have been created as phonetic imitations of the first meaningful sound uttered by many babies .
24 At most sites , strip buildings appear to have been constructed as independent entities , separated from their neighbours by either alleys or narrow lanes .
25 Occasionally such provisions seem to have been promoted as royal law .
26 Gen. Suchinda , the former army commander and military junta leader , had been appointed as Prime Minister in early April [ see p. 38865 ] following an inconclusive general election in March which had resulted in the formation of a weak , pro-military coalition dominated by Chart Thai and Samakkhi Tham [ see p. 38816 ] .
27 It was reported on Sept. 28 that Marciano García had been appointed as new Finance Minister and José Blanco Gomez as new Economy Minister .
28 Despite the failure of similar tactics on the Madrid front , it had been planned as another Moroccan-type , head-on attack along the first line of Republican defences , with the aim of breaking through at two points , advancing as far as the second line of defence and laying siege to Bilbao from there .
29 Members of the Ethiopian People 's Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF ) , whose forces took Addis Ababa in May [ see pp. 38174-75 ] , were appointed to the Defence and Foreign Affairs ministries ( Seyoum Mesfin , who had been named as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs in June 1991 , being confirmed in the latter post ) .
30 Of these , 3,434 had been designated as genuine refugees , 22,466 had failed the screening process and had been designated as " economic migrants " and the remaining 29,562 awaited screening .
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