Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 i i i in a sense it is a , it is a shift to the left because under the May the fourth directive erm rich peasants in particular would 've been left out of it altogether and there would still be some landlords who were , who would maintain their property but , but now he 's shifted to the left and this , this does represent a further attack on landlords cos , cos everybody comes down to the same level .
2 ‘ I see you 've been checking up on me . ’
3 ‘ Er weddin' dress 'ad been run up for 'er by Mrs Stuart that 'ad only just give up 'er job workin' for a dressmaker in Shoreditch .
4 One miracle to praise God for is that everything that has been sent out to me I have received ( at least as far as I know ) .
5 The egg has been gleaming up at me , cold and slippery as an oyster , daring me to eat it .
6 The psychoanalysts might suggest that your own temporary alteration of intellectual function has been projected on to me . ’
7 It has been pointed out to us that our report might have been understood to reflect on Mr Hancock , who was chairman of Aldershot until June 1991 .
8 ‘ WHEN I knelt at the spot where Donald died I felt a knot that has been tied up inside me for three years slowly unravel .
9 And somebody has been covering up for him — smoothing his footprints out of the mud , rubbing his fingerprints off the door handles .
10 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
11 ‘ Prost should be prepared to race anybody in any conditions — everything has been laid on for him . ’
12 He will churn the butter if the kitchen is clean and tidy and a bowl of cream has been set out for him .
13 But it seems to me that every time I 've open a newspaper over the past two or three years , Stuart Bell , the Labour MP for Middlesbrough , has been staring out at me .
14 Marco has been brought up by his rather in a way designed to fit him for the future .
15 Thank you for your fax of 19 May which has been passed on to me for action .
16 Your letter dated the 19th May to Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link has been passed on to me in my capacity as Vice Chair of the Link , but more relevantly perhaps as Director of CPRW .
17 Thorough research conducted by Newcastle polytechnic has been passed on to me by the Rev. Paul Nicholson , who has done sterling work to highlight the problems of those on income support .
18 Our communion service is part of the rich tradition which has been passed down to us from Jesus Christ .
19 After that row with my father , I felt I 'd been turned down by them all .
20 Dad said , and it must have cost him a lot to say so little after he 'd been put down by me , ‘ I 've decided I want to be with Eva . ’
21 But he did n't tell me he 'd been going out with her for three weeks and he 's never .
22 If this had not happened nothing could have stopped him and the whole party would have been dragged down after him .
23 Only that she must have been holding out on him all these years , that she did have memories which she had covered up or , to give her the benefit of the doubt , conveniently forgotten about .
24 Alternatively , if the beaker of water was previously at a higher temperature energy would have been transferred out of it in order to reach a temperature of 50°C .
25 The birds and squirrels in my garden come for food as soon as they hear my whistle , even though the food may not yet have been put out for them .
26 A National Commission of Human Rights was established by Salinas in June 1990 in response to widespread internal and foreign concern at the routine use of torture by federal judicial police and at the escalating number of illegal arrests , murders , rapes and looting claimed to have been carried out by them in the course of a US-backed campaign against drug trafficking .
27 The delicacy of the children seems to have been passed on to them by their mother , and in any case a succession of pregnancies had very probably weakened her own constitution severely .
28 That children who experience a level of difficulty in learning significant enough for a Record of Needs to have been opened up for them can learn a foreign language within a special school setting .
29 At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night , until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet .
30 It was as if she had been cordoned off from it .
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