Example sentences of "[verb] an [adj] [noun sg] [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , mere preservation is no longer thought to require justification ; every local history society thinks it has an unanswerable case when it seeks to protect what is left of the past .
2 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
3 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
4 The reasons for this puzzling association of money wage changes and real-wage changes in classical theory are not altogether clear , though we speculated in Chapter 2 that the influence of the quantity theory of money probably played an important part since it anchored the price level to the quantity of money in circulation , releasing the money-wage bargain to determine real wages .
5 There is little point in writing an excellent script if it fails , through your own fault , to be processed in such a way as to give you full credit .
6 The cream silk backing seemed an obvious choice as it blended with the cream of the frame and helped to keep the colour combination very gentle .
7 We could n't do an awful lot because it was er er classed as a luxury business er and so we , we could n't get an awful lot of photographic paper or films or anything of that sort but we managed to keep the connections up with what we could get .
8 No , it wo n't be because they do n't do the , they do n't do an open afternoon if it 's a championship
9 You just CAN NOT afford to pick an inferior side so it will gel , or possibly get better together .
10 The Government has not had an economic policy since it was forced to withdraw from the European Monetary System and let the value of the pound plummet .
11 The initial distribution between capitation and other expenditure followed an incremental approach as it was based on previous patterns of expenditure .
12 The timer sounds an audible alarm when it is about to run out , and switch off .
13 The European Court has in fact held that the internal competence may be exercised at the same time as the external competence so that the Community acquired the power to negotiate an international agreement before it had in fact exercised its internal powers , and this theory had in fact been taken further in the fisheries sector in the judgment in the Kramer cases .
14 Rule of Court 89(a) provides that the Court may make an interim payment if it is satisfied : ‘ that , if the action proceeded to Proof , the pursuer would succeed in the action on the question of liability without any substantial finding of contributory negligence on his part … and would obtain decree for damages against the defender or defenders , or where there are two or more of them , against any one of them ’ .
15 By section 3 of the Patents Act 1977 an invention involves an inventive step if it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art .
16 It was steamed at the weekend and made an impressive sight when it was double headed with the line 's own former NCB No 20 .
17 We say that the state as a whole does wrong in accepting an internal compromise because it then compromises its principles .
18 The campaign has been given an extra edge as it is one of the many school ‘ constituencies ’ throughout Britain to be featured on the BBC 's Newsround programme .
19 Mr Johnson recorded an open verdict because it was not clear whether Mr Venables took the ecstasy himself , whether it had been placed in his drink or how many tablets he had taken .
20 The reason for this behaviour may be that sea-lions sometimes lie in wait among the kelp near the shore , ready to grab an unwary bird as it makes the transition from the safety of the deep sea to the land .
21 It is like using an elephant gun to fire air-rifle pellets ; inappropriate , inaccurate and completely point of having an ultra-powerful weapon if it is not armed with the correct ammunition ; it is like using an elephant gun to fire air-rifle pellets ; inappropriate , inaccurate and completely unbalanced .
22 But I imagine even that is bright enough to recognize an extraordinary woman when it sees one . ’
23 The Gulf war has demonstrated that the mere accumulation of data does n't confer an automatic advantage unless it is complemented by quality analysis and contextual detail .
24 The Centre d'art contemporain has led an itinerant existence since it was founded in 1974 by Adelina von Fürstenberg , now director of Le Magasin , Grenoble 's contemporary art centre .
25 He considers taking an early flight because it is the quickest , doubts whether it will give him time to prepare and settles for the quickest later flight ; he wants to be bothered with as few suitcases as possible , starts packing the biggest he has , finds the lock broken and chooses another .
26 In fact , we give a kind of reality to imagined creations by feeling these emotions ; in a way we live an imagined situation because it affects us emotionally .
27 He was looking for something which immobilised the car and gave an audible warning if it was broken into . ’
28 Fairclough played a Batty-esque defensive midfield role as far as I could tell , marking Shearer might have been a better idea , though he did an OK job as it was .
29 As the largest single party in the upper chamber , however , the LDP could have commanded an overall majority if it had secured the support of Komeito .
30 The body in its stiff ungainliness , beginning already , or so it seemed to his over-sensitive nose , to emit the first sour-sweet stink of decay , yet had an inalienable dignity because it once had been a man .
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