Example sentences of "[verb] she [modal v] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She found she could get the attention and praise she wanted only by achieving , being good and caring for that pretty little monster she so resented .
2 Dot found she could read the letters and was surprised .
3 ‘ Put the kettle on , I expect she 'll have a cuppa when she gets 'ere . ’
4 There was not a lot to tour in the inclement weather , though the Bohemia concert party was marked down for a visit , and the bandstand too held promise , though with all these people about , she doubted she would hear the music .
5 But even as she fumed she could see the sense in his ploy — nobody would be suspicious of his frequent presence in the nightclub if they thought he had something going with Rory .
6 The housewife who knows that when her electric iron ceases to work she must replace the fuse ( let us say it is a cartridge fuse in a 13-amp plug ) is an empiricist .
7 Jane held on with both hands , gazing ahead at Molly 's legs , counting every step , praying she would reach the top before the whole thing collapsed beneath their weight and they all fell , helpless , into the water below .
8 Jean Baya , manager of the nursing home , said Naomi had acted differently in the days before her death but there was nothing to indicate she would take an overdose .
9 One trainee of the author 's acquaintance believed she could predict the movement of both specific shares and the market as a whole by the tapping of her fingers .
10 Mind you , do you know that if you 'd marry somebody erm years older than er and that , she says , well if I die she 'd have the money .
11 Amy , Amy — this in a stentorian roar , because Mrs Abercrombie is very deaf — Amy , I 've told the lady on you , she says she 'll have the police round if you do n't watch out … .
12 ‘ Sometimes she says she 'll take the kids out to the middle of a lake and drop them in .
13 ‘ She is quite adamant , ’ Florence Ames said , ‘ nothing will satisfy her , she says she will get no rest until it has been arranged . ’
14 One of the nurses rings back , discusses the situation and says she will ring the hospital and/or his GP to see what can be done .
15 The wet journeys back and forth were , she explained , a weary imposition on her time , and she had decided that until the work was done she would pass the nights there .
16 There she had found her husband still snoring on her cot , and she had stretched out on his ; but sleep had n't come , and long before dawn she had decided she must leave the camp at once .
17 Mary Law had felt she might refuse the money because of this problem :
18 She did n't feel she could make a contribution , but she wanted to , so ‘ I just went in and made myself useful . ’
19 Nimue or the Lily Maid would require a model and the Princess can hardly be asked for so much of her time , though I hope she may think the time spent on ‘ Christabel before Sir Leoline ’ was not wholly wasted .
20 It had taken Sabrina forty minutes to drive from Lausanne to Fribourg and another fifteen minutes to find the isolated goods yard where Teufel , the porter at Lausanne , had said she would find the freight cars .
21 Eleanor has said she would like an omelette . ’
22 Guido had said she could have a day off , just to get acclimatised , but he 'd been firm that the lessons should start immediately after that .
23 ‘ I am very proud of you , lady ’ , he had said and she had glowed with happiness and a secret bubbling excitement that came from believing she could conquer the world with her talent .
24 For a long time she imagined she might open the door and see the body of her mother , stretched out in death on her bed , her arms folded across her chest , her eyes still open and staring at the ceiling .
25 Ronni almost fainted as she imagined she could feel the beat of his heart .
26 They dropped in the earthenware bowl , and were absorbed , so that when , later , Ruth helped to eat that morning 's baking , she imagined she could taste the bitterness of the tears .
27 Maggie scrounged what food she could , and when Sarah dipped a crust of bread in the cabbage soup she 'd made she could see the cracks in the bottom of the dish through the thin liquid .
28 so I do n't think she 'll get an acceptance to York on a B and two Cs I think York is one of the better
29 ‘ Do you think she might want a job and all ? ’
30 And he cried do you think she would need a worm and he held up a worm , but he came and put this poisoned worm in the mole , you know that 's what they did , they had er mole er worms that had doped with poison , you see and then they dropped them in the hole and that was the end of the mole .
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