Example sentences of "[verb] she [verb] [adv] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And Scots comic Gregor Fisher — the man behind Rab C. Nesbitt — added : ‘ Lilly may think she 's never been to Scotland , but what about in a previous life ?
2 I rarely go to her house and I do n't think she 's ever been to my flat , but our friendship is very much part of our working lives .
3 Before the 1991 visit she had not been in Northern Ireland since she spent two days in the province in August 1977 during her national jubilee tour .
4 He also contradicted Mrs Mandela 's alibi by saying she had not been in the Orange Free State on the day Stompie and three other youths were assaulted at her Soweto house .
5 I knew she had n't been in the garden , I would have been able to smell her .
6 Yet later that evening , when they had both returned home and he had enquired about her meeting with Alison and whether she had bought a pram , she had hesitated before admitting she had actually been to a cinema .
7 She said she had n't been for a while and erm then she said they did n't really know , they wondered how she was gon na get on in the water .
8 When we 'd finished I asked if we could wash up and run the errands but she said she 'd already been to the shops with her brother .
9 Oh I said , yes she said , I like going on a boat , she said not that I 've been on one she said she 's never been on a boat across
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