Example sentences of "[verb] from [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Particularly bold demands were said to have come from students close to the Liberian border .
2 The small tools have come from yards all over the country .
3 Birds of prey must be attracted from miles away by the spectacular aerobatics .
4 These experiences do not , of course , wholly explain modern union behaviour or remove from unions much of the responsibility for changing matters .
5 The group operates state-of-the-art microbeam and bulk analytical facilities , together with a full range of high pressure-high temperature equipment , with applications ranging from processes deep in the upper mantle to reactions in petroleum reservoirs .
6 Gone was the flattened-out effect ; a more contoured look was possible with these sticks that could be bought from chemists all over the country .
7 Wine is exported from areas all over the world .
8 The lichen is gathered from rocks late in the summer , dried in the sun , then it is placed with the wool in alternating layers in a large pot .
9 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
10 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
11 The period from the building of the first cotton mills up to a restrictive parliamentary act of 1816 was the era of the factory apprentices — pauper children brought from workhouses all over the country to be indentured to misery .
12 It was a pegged-down contest and Tony , whose weight helped the Personal Members Red Team into top spot , fished from rocks close to the ‘ T ’ junction using lugworm and mackerel .
13 Hundreds of do-it-yourself cement mixers have been removed from shops tonight after the discovery of electrical faults which could kill .
14 Roach being taken from swims just above the by pass bridge .
15 The original was discovered as one of 115,000 samples taken from plants all over the world .
16 I said well I , I 'm a confident cook , I 've cooked from meals all round the world you know , and she s and erm , she said oh that 's worth knowing , now the
17 Over forty-five gigantic works of Social Realism have been dismantled from sites all over the city and hauled to a 1.5 hectare sculpture park on the southern outskirts of the Hungarian capital .
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