Example sentences of "[verb] from [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On April 10th in the year nineteen hundred and eighty five — the legions again marched on Royal Bath — well , fifty of us by coach , car and rail — we had come from all over the country to join a contingent of local enthusiasts like lambs to the slaughter at Bath University for the Medau Easter Course .
2 There was great scope we saw for matching marketing , the due diligence product outside er Manchester area er that has been particularly successful we are going to have , well all of you are probably aware of of a significant increase in the in the of due dili due diligence work er very encouraging that er most of it I think I 'm right in saying has come , certainly the bigger ones have come from out with the region er and have been introduced to us from bankers er in London , er initially we 've had er a lot of support from our er colleagues in London who 've effected the introductions in the first place , precisely how the partnership virtually work .
3 I 'm not sure you can jump from there to the strategy of the business .
4 High latitudes were temperate until cooling began in the mid-to-late Pliocene ; overall cooling from then to the present has been punctuated by spells of warming .
5 Traditionally the damaged bone was either left to repair and replace itself as best it could or bone was harvested from elsewhere in the body and used to augment the lost bone .
6 Once sorted , the berries are sent to England to be distilled along with the other natural ingredients harvested from all over the world .
7 And that 's where he moved from here over the road and after then he used to have his own , see , he had a slaughterhouse built at the back , see , he done away with the slaughterhouse down the piste and he used to kill all his stuff there .
8 So it 'd only be say from there to the roof round .
9 Buyers used to come from all over the world until the export ban .
10 It seemed like when I heard a saxophone player like Sonny Rollins the sound seemed to come from all over the place — it did n't come from this one little spot .
11 The sounds were muffled from up on the roof but they still bugged me so I went indoors .
12 By January 1918 the food issue was reaching bursting point with strikes and demonstrations reported from all over the country , and threats of national strike action to force fair play from the Government .
13 Ridgewell considered that this decrease began about 1952 and it apparently reached its maximum about 1961 , when no breeding Sparrowhawks were reported from anywhere in the county .
14 There is no longer any dichotomy of truth and lies that he can manipulate from midway between the audience and the other characters .
15 The creative springboard starts with a good client brief and then you dive from there into the pool of ideas and solutions which come from sound and considered thinking .
16 As early as the 1880s , however , the new order was already being threatened from below by the rise of mass anti-semitic movements on the right and of the working-class movement on the left .
17 His body , overwritten with coloured filaments and moving equations , was almost invisible ; his face was a mask , illuminated from below by the rainbow sprays of tiny linked shapes springing from the sphere .
18 The whole organism can then have , as an adult , the same powers in its asexual buds and its sexual organs , because the same material is there : namely , ‘ gemmules ’ collected from all over the body .
19 BELT UP With Marie Pisa Snow 's collection of Western-style belts , hat bands , boot and guitar straps made from the finest matt black Rolls Royce car leather They 've been collected from all over the world and have been wrapped around the waists of stars such as Tom Jones , David Bowie and Tina Turner 's tour band .
20 But he liked gripped me on the arm and then his hand would appear from nowhere during the concert , he like kind of rubbed my arm and are you alright ?
21 I ache from here to the top .
22 Carryduff-based Montgomery Pipe Band , whose 26 members hail from all over the province , also drummed its way into the record books when it swept the boards at Saturday 's British Championships at Hyde Park in London .
23 I 'm working with ideas , still writing songs , so I have my personal input from that , plus I 'm always interested in the input and suggestions I get from the letters I receive from all over the world .
24 It exploded from just inside the Springbok 22 and Oosthuysen raced three-quarters the length of the pitch with Steve Hackney closing on him every second .
25 In the words of an official who examined British records dating from soon after the conquest of the Kandyan Kingdom : ‘ The most noticeable fact which strikes a reader of the minutes of the Board of Kandyan Commissioners , is the remarkable similarity between English ideas respecting various offences … and those of the Kandyans . ’
26 From the pastoral comforts of the Plateau de Bénou , the road twists abruptly down past the villages of Bilhères and of Bielle , another valley ‘ capital ’ this , with some fine fifteenth-and sixteenth-century house fronts , but particularly commendable as a slated roofs cape seen from higher up the road — this is Béarn , and grey slates arc what you expect on roofs , no longer Basque tiles .
27 The pattern of old stream courses can be clearly seen from above on the valley floors , but Peel believes that spring sapping may have been very important in the formation of the wadis .
28 His hissed order came from just beyond the stern .
29 Mr Hayes said : ‘ We thought of the idea because he came from just up the road from the school and was later brought up and schooled at Great Ayton . ’
30 ‘ If you came from just down the road it would make no difference .
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