Example sentences of "[verb] as [pron] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Franca observed sadly , but without surprise , that her strange feeling of love for Patrick had waned and finally abated as he continued steadily to come to life .
2 It stands as it has always stood ,
3 With Brian away so much of the week , would she have the strength of character to sit down and try to write as she had once imagined ?
4 The Australian bren gunner might have been caught as he moved smartly back up the steep hill had not ‘ two natives appeared from nowhere ’ and carried his gun at a quick trot over the hill .
5 She behaved as she had never thought it would be possible for her to behave .
6 They are quite rightly upset and offended as they have usually made their own decisions and are going through with them .
7 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
8 Pressing his foot to the floor , Nate Springfield drove as he 'd never driven before …
9 She was unaware of any undue familiarity between herself and her cousin ; they seemed as they had always seemed since childhood .
10 Half an hour later : Z : " I could n't get a word in edgeways " , muttered as he managed finally to get away .
11 In these hard and unforgiving times , some people have struggled as they 've never had to before .
12 Language itself , he said , would cease to function as it had always functioned , it would only be a strange dead thing , smouldering perhaps , but burnt out , no longer conveying any meaning .
13 Notwithstanding we do not believe as we 've already said that flows of traffic justify and coming if I may er before Mr answers to give him time to think about it , to the figures from Mr .
14 When the honest shopper acts as I have just described , he or she is acting with the implied authority of the owner of the supermarket to take the goods from the shelf , put them in the trolley , take them to the checkpoint and there pay the correct price , at which moment the property in the goods will pass to the shopper for the first time .
15 Fingerspelling as it exists today consists of a direct alphabetic representation of the language as it would be written down .
16 Children are often snappish and can not be touched ; they want to do as they please yet do not know what pleases them !
17 I spoke to her , telling her to do as we had earlier discussed and detach herself from the scene so that she could see it and tell me about it but could not feel any distress , whether mental , physical or emotional .
18 As silently as I could , I began to move away , and as soon as I was clear of the trees , began to run as I had never run before .
19 One problem hampering the incident investigators is that they can not immediately examine the section of the tank which was holed as it has now sunk to below ground level .
20 Now the Thames was a thread of silver below them , and Fenna flew as he had never flown before .
21 The sun was shining as we left home to converge on Seymour Leisure Complex and enjoy the two stimulating open classes given by Toni Bergman and Rosemary Gould ( there were classes too for the teenies given by Jean Moss and Lala Manners ) .
22 Firstly , individuals do not all occur randomly in a forest and often there is much clumping as we have already discussed .
23 What am I saying as we sit here talking about this rather strange difficulty that we find ourselves in ?
24 ‘ So , ’ Charlie was saying as he moved ahead to open the cab door for her , but then he stumbled slightly and muttered a curse .
25 She came down to Riverside with me , watched as we rehearsed then followed me into the loo and gave me a blow job — something I just was n't used to as a 17-year-old grammar school boy still living at home with his mum and dad .
26 It is interesting to note that a substantial part of the export sales in 1985 were to companies with whom we no longer deal as they have since merged and changed .
27 By the 1860's , when he was at the height of his fame , tragedy struck as he took increasingly to drink .
28 When she had lost her virginity four nights earlier , Constance had been elated ; but now she felt as she had always understood women did on their bridal night : deeply upset and even slightly resentful at what had happened .
29 Shelley stared , as the old magic started up , and she felt as she had always felt when she looked at him , that all other men she knew paled into insignificance beside this one .
30 At a tiny cove our little daughters whooped as they plunged fully clothed into the Atlantic swell .
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