Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun] [conj] give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ken took the boy to his home , dried his clothes and gave him a meal .
2 There was little delegation of authority , but Di Tella 's personal participation enhanced his authority and gave him considerable control .
3 He turned his head and gave me a direct look .
4 When a boy arrived at Eton he was allocated to a " classical tutor " who oversaw his work and gave him special tuition .
5 He raised his eyebrows and gave her a cool stare .
6 She takes his hand and gives it a kiss .
7 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
8 He invested £60,000 in his obsession with a venture which broke his health and gave him only £12,000 back .
9 He blew his nose and gave his behind a scratch as we picked our way through the lush undergrowth .
10 Dad was flaring his nostrils and giving him a wild stare .
11 Herbert agreed to pay his passage and give him an allowance until he could find work .
12 Gradually he removed his concentration and gave it to me .
13 Throughout the day the old woman bathed his arm and gave him cooling drinks that tasted , so it seemed in his fever , of wild water-mint , and thymy hillsides , and red rust .
14 By evading him earlier that morning she 'd played into his hands , at the same time both increasing his suspicions and giving him the best part of the day to allay them .
15 The Aragonese were politely told by Edward ( in January 1283 ) that ‘ we are bound by kinship and by homage to the king of France , nor does it behove us to rebel against him in any way , nor to do anything to arouse his anger nor give him offence ’ .
16 He gave Sandison the address and asked him to do three things : check that Maidstone was all right , check that he still had his money and give him back his hat .
17 Nothing could shake his calm or give him pause .
18 She made him take tap classes to loosen his ankles and gave him daily exercises to do under her assistant 's instruction .
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