Example sentences of "[verb] not [be] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In general , estate development has not been studied for the pre-Conquest period — there are not enough documents and the field evidence is enigmatic .
2 That means that the product has not been optimised for the 80486 or for Pentium , and wo n't take account of new Pentium features such as the dual pipeline , or work around some of the clock cycle quirks that emerged in the behaviour of the 80486 post technical documentation .
3 That means that the product has not been optimised for the 486 or Pentium , and wo n't take account of Pentium features such as the dual pipeline , or work around some of the clock cycle quirks that emerged in the 486 post technical documentation .
4 On 2 February 1799 Parson Woodforde , by then in Norfolk , wrote in his diary : ‘ Such severe weather has not been known for the last sixty years till the present ’ .
5 As far as he knows Women in Love has not been adapted for the stage before , but already it is causing much interest from other theatres and companies .
6 A coherent strategy for retrospective conversion has not been attempted for the UK ( although it is known that there are stirrings of such an initiative in a European context , involving the British Library ) and lack of institutional funding for such unglamorous activities has ensured at best a piecemeal approach .
7 After all , in 1,189 densely-printed pages , space has not been found for a single illustration .
8 Meadowbank , which has not been used for a concert since 1989 , will host the return of the Prince of Pop and his band , the New Power Generation , who last year sold out Glasgow 's Celtic Park .
9 Yet even though in my part Welsh has not been spoken for a long time , and indeed the natives have even forgotten the Welsh pronunciation of our Celtic place-names , it would not cross my neighbours ' minds that just living there makes me Welsh .
10 The trophy for the ladies open has not been engraved for the last few years .
11 When I was twelve , and I got baptized , erm a lady gave me a little text and it was from Joshua chapter one and it was verse nine and it says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be terrified , do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go and that 's a verse that I 've been able to remember and to thank God for on so many different occasions all through my training as a doctor and it 's , all the promises in the bible are absolutely true and you can rely on them because it 's not a book written by men but it 's a book written by God .
12 The clothes had not been disturbed for a long time and were as thick and tangled as jungle foliage .
13 In a letter to the London gallery , The Edge , a DTI official stated that details of the case had been passed to Customs and Excise for them to consider whether an offence had occurred as a licence had not been granted for the photographs in the current exhibition .
14 The cottage had not been inhabited for a while .
15 I had not been prepared for a walk across a wasteland under a hot white sun .
16 Nathan had not been prepared for the bus trip into and out of the town and the long walk through the snow to a campsite either .
17 I had not been prepared for the volume of decisions I had to make .
18 But she had not been prepared for the intensity of her response .
19 But all the same , Sara had not been prepared for the girls ' curiosity about Matthew .
20 Gabriel said nothing ; she had not been looking for a life-story .
21 There were two posts allocated for social workers , but these had not been filled for a long time .
22 Dreams came true in many ways ; some made strokes which had not been played for the last 20 years , others took catches and some ran threes .
23 The official turnout was 74 per cent , although there were claims that many voters had not been registered for the ballot .
24 Mr Wormwood 's fine crop of black hair was now a dirty silver , the colour this time of a tightrope-walker 's tights that had not been washed for the entire circus season .
25 Lawrence was elected British president , and discharged his difficult task with a calmness , courtesy , and firmness which won universal approval , even from the defendants , the soldiers among whom thought that their problems were appreciated by one who had gained the DSO as a gunner officer in World War I. Praise was also given by the British alternate judge , Sir Norman ( later first Baron ) Birkett [ q.v. ] , who was secretly resentful that he had not been chosen for the post .
26 It was the smell of a hundred bodies that had not been bathed for a week , of a hundred sets of clothes that had been lived and slept in for a week , of excreta and vomit trapped by the windows that had not been opened for a week .
27 It was the smell of a hundred bodies that had not been bathed for a week , of a hundred sets of clothes that had been lived and slept in for a week , of excreta and vomit trapped by the windows that had not been opened for a week .
28 At some point during my stay in Wolverton there arose a rumour that the church of St James in the neighbouring railway-workers ' village of New Bradwell had not been consecrated for the performance of weddings .
29 London Ambulance Service workers claimed the system crash last October led to people 's deaths , but yesterday 's document said an examination of 26 cases considered by coroners ' courts showed the LAS had not been blamed for a single death .
30 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
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