Example sentences of "[verb] at [adj] to be a " in BNC.

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1 Her marriage in 1137 to the heir to the French throne seemed at first to be an ideal match .
2 Wordsworth 's next work , The Borderers , appears at first to be a pseudo-Shakespearean tragedy , one of many that the Romantic poets produced .
3 Poulantzas thus constructs what appears at first to be a morass of categories in continual flux ; but he then extracts from it a pattern of relations which he regards as constant .
4 His consumption of nuclear waste would seem at first to be an ideal solution to the problems of both Martians and humans , but of course there is a hitch .
5 Looking back on these years , he remembered lying in the sun , his face covered with a straw hat : ‘ Other boys were always talking of when they would be men ; he did not want at all to be a man , or to possess things , but to remain as he was , in the same spot , and to know no more people than he already knew . ’
6 The string quartet on this EMI disc promises at first to be an effective and not unoriginal exercise in the expressionist tradition , but the end result is something of a disappointment .
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