Example sentences of "[verb] by [noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was wearing a large theatrical ring with an enormous ‘ emerald ’ surrounded by paste diamonds and he bent more closely to look at it .
2 Ideally , we should build some flexibility into the Library 's financial management systems to cope with changes , but at present we are so tightly constrained by cost factors that we have no room for manoeuvre .
3 Therefore ‘ easing ’ , which is normally presented as the opposite to work , can for the neighbourhood men ( and also the community relations police ) be construed as official police work , and quite often much of the best community work is done by neighbourhood men when they seem to be relaxing .
4 British seamen in the US deserted in droves , alarming the new British government and bringing about a revived dialogue not only on seamen 's complaints about the inadequacy of British pay , the constantly recurring problems of loss of wages and effects when torpedoed and the inroad made by railway fares when they were paid off from diverted ships , but also on the dangerous state of mind of seamen who were incensed by the conviction that they were constantly subject to neglect , mishandling and coercion .
5 For example , a photocopier which would only be bought by office managers and which would need fairly detailed copy to do it justice would be a waste of money to advertise on TV because the number of office managers in your audience is so tiny , and TV is not the right place to put a lot of product detail because time is so limited .
6 THREE women widowed in the Gulf war have been told by Government officials that they will not set aside money from the publicly-donated Gulf Trust to help them with an education fund for their children .
7 Maturity brings new perspectives and the idea that they are often manipulated for their sporting prowess brings with it a clarity of perception , a perception succinctly summarized by Birchfield 's sprinter Lincoln Asquith : ‘ I was used by school teachers 'cause I was good at sport .
8 To this extent it is bound by market forces and its operations are broadly equivalent to and supportive of private capital 's interventions .
9 THE Shamen were booed and jeered by football fans when they performed at half-time at Arsenal 's home game against Manchester City on Monday night .
10 There is a lot of anxiety displayed by handicap golfers when they try to use a driver .
11 Recent Secretaries of State for Education have been known to favour educational vouchers as a way of increasing parental choice and allowing the quality of schools to be judged by market forces though they have been unable to find a workable system .
12 Among immature males this does not occur , but they are liable to be displaced by adult males if they attempt sexual interactions with high-ranking females .
13 The explosives were unearthed by contract workers as they dug a trench on farmland alongside an RAF camp .
14 And right now the term competitiveness is used to basically get by safety regulations and anything else concerning safety .
15 They turned out to be a good power-rock band doomed by personality clashes and their own audacity .
16 They turned out to be a good power-rock band doomed by personality clashes and their own audacity .
17 MRS THATCHER went to the American heartlands yesterday and made clear when questioned by university students that she viewed with alarm the idea of Britain under a coalition government .
18 Paul , 23 , and Charlotte , 21 , were killed by boiler fumes as they slept at her mother 's home at Horsham , Sussex .
19 She said they were often stopped by autograph hunters when they are out with Vic , whose real name is Jim Moir .
20 Harry led our team by example — although perhaps what some of his colleagues needed was a skipper who could also drive or cajole them to better things — but it was a mark of the respect in which he was held by Palace supporters that his well-deserved Benefit in 1953–54 was so well attended .
21 On Sept. 4 a member of the High Council of the Republic ( HCR ) , Madeleine Adayoma , was flogged by security personnel as she left the Lomé radio studios after taking part in a programme .
22 This section of the manual should be read by LIFESPAN Managers since it describes the mechanisms to control and optimise the online/offline file store usage for LIFESPAN and perform the removal of modules no longer required in their magnetic form .
23 These days the only thing the notoriously fickle C2s seem capable of raising is the 10 per cent capital required by building societies before they hand over nine times as much money , which is in turn entrusted to the builders .
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