Example sentences of "[verb] by [noun sg] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In an address to the congress , Ricardo Parodi , the secretary of international relations of the General Confederation of Peruvian Workers ( CGTP ) and a representative of the World Federation of Trade Unions ( WFTU — previously dominated by trade unions of the former Soviet bloc countries but with numerous affiliates from Third-World countries ) , stated that " classic " and " traditional " protest and struggles had to be accompanied by " realistic " and " concrete " proposals to halt the spread of right-wing neo-liberal policies across the continent .
2 Population growth in the 1980s was dominated by shire counties in the southern half of England , the ‘ rural South ’ , particularly those forming an arc in and around the western and northern parts of the South East region .
3 If the specimen is immersed face-down , bubbles can not be released and remain attracted by surface tension to the surface , locally impeding further reaction and giving a very uneven etch .
4 The queen sheds her wings on entering the internode and seals the entrance , but coccids , attracted by food bodies on the leaves , are cultured within .
5 In previous years the selection of the carnival queen had been organised by elimination contests in the town and surrounding villages , but 30 years ago the committee asked that young ladies should send in a copy of a recent photograph .
6 ACTIONAID is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year and to mark the event a bike ride from Manchester to Blackpool has been organised by supporter groups in the North West .
7 It is organised by Court Endeavour of the Independent Order of Foresters .
8 This is an ecumenical venture , organised by Church Action with the Unemployed .
9 From the very beginning the new state was founded on a contradiction : the basis of the post-war settlement was the self-determination of peoples , especially as proselytised by president Wilson of the United States .
10 The probability of a record becoming a synonym is therefore given by subtracting the proportion of the file area occupied by home records from the total proportion of the file area taken up by the file , that is α .
11 In addition , it saves weight and liberates space above the engine — otherwise occupied by valve gear at the top of the engine — much needed by the car designers .
12 British Waterways and the Ministry of Agriculture have been approached by fishing clubs in the region to help rid them of the menace which is depleting fish stocks in the canal .
13 Now , laboriously rescued by Thessy 's father , a fisherman , Masquerade was standing in the sandy backyard of Thessy 's house where she was cradled by timber props among the casuarinas and palm trees , and where chickens roosted in her cockpit .
14 The Mount Kenya routes are the most important in terms of their quality and popularity , and the detailed descriptions are supplemented by topo diagrams for the most significant of them .
15 The operators of plant are bound to discover by experience aspects of the design which could be improved .
16 Moreover , recent work has shown that much of the heat energy in the seas of the North Atlantic ( every square kilometre of which gives off as much energy as a nuclear power station and hence influences our weather ) is absorbed from sunlight in the tropical Pacific and is carried by ocean currents through the Drake Passage and up into the Atlantic .
17 Former Yellowhammer managing director Brian Astley is tipped by industry observers as the frontrunner to succeed Bruce Haines as managing director of Leagas Delaney .
18 The church dates from the eleventh century and is magnificently decorated by fresco paintings in the narthex , dome , apse and on the walls .
19 The SHEP Bond , designed by Resource Partnership with the Isle of Man Assurance , invests in second-hand with-profit endowment policies issued by leading life assurance companies .
20 In such a system individual workers lost control over their own work rhythm , and became fully adjuncts to the machine , repeating those few elementary movements designed by engineering departments as the rationalized sum of their formal organizational existence .
21 This project has been conceived and designed by engineering staff in the Regional Council 's Department of Highways with assistance being given by ScotRail and Messrs J B Schofield and Partners in the design and construction supervision of the two bridges carrying the Edinburgh/Carstairs railway over the Sighthill Bypass and associated roadworks and in the temporary diversion of this railway .
22 Leaders of Britain 's freight industry are calling on the European Commission to help free U K truck drivers trapped by road blocks on the French Spanish border .
23 Subsequently , in the 1970s this approach was also addressed by M.A. Carson in The Mechanics of Erosion ( Carson , 1971 ) in a book which provided a unified introduction to the mechanics of erosional processes and which was aimed at undergraduates in earth science .
24 These and other findings — reported at a meeting of the American Society of Testing and Materials — contradict extensive evidence of damage to the local environment presented by government researchers over the last four years .
25 The meeting ended with a talk with slides presented by Rod Murchie of the National Rivers Authority .
26 When local expenditure was greatly curtailed by Government restrictions on the raising of revenue ( rate-capping ) many authorities sought ways of raising money by other means .
27 The formerly reviled ghetto culture has now begun to be absorbed by fashion designers of the Nineties , who are discovering beauty in deals outside the white middle-class mainstream .
28 Revision , which is done by subject cataloguers at the LC , is continuous .
29 A predisposing tumour suppressor gene for breast and ovarian cancer families , BRCA1 , has been mapped by linkage analysis on the long term of chromosome 17 , close to but probably distinct from the region noted in sporadic ovarian cancer .
30 The Prime Minister has control over the machinery of the Cabinet , determining the agenda , setting up Cabinet committees , circulating ( or not circulating ! ) papers written by Cabinet ministers for the Cabinet , and announcing the decision reached without taking a vote .
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