Example sentences of "[verb] with a new [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ronald Ziolo , a chemist at Xerox 's Webster Research Centre near Rochester , New York , thinks the answer lies with a new version of boring old iron oxide — better known , in slightly different forms , as the magnetic coating on audio and video tapes , and as rust on cars .
2 In the early third century it had been rebuilt with a new wall inside its robbed-out predecessor .
3 Bringing up baby could have extra charm in a room decorated with a new range of children 's fabrics and wallpapers called Merry Go Round by Designers build .
4 It may be argued , though I think with difficulty , that there is no important difference between the modern welfare state and the nineteenth-century ‘ night watchman ’ state , in so far as it is still an instrument of bourgeois domination ; or that the welfare state — involving a high level of government intervention in the economy , the provision of extensive social services and a considerable degree of national economic planning — corresponds with a new stage in the development of capitalism , which may be called ‘ organized capitalism ’ ; or finally , that the welfare state is a particular stage in a general trend toward collectivism , inspired mainly by the labour movement , and from this aspect can be regarded as a transitional stage on the way to socialism .
5 After managing , more successfully than most , to be neutral in a Gulf drama that saw two of its deepest fears come true — Iraq 's territorial expansion and America 's intervention with guns — Iran was presented with a new chance for trouble-making by Mr Hussein 's defeat .
6 Here they were presented with a new interpretation of world events from the Kremlin which saw the world as divided into ‘ two camps ’ and called on Communists everywhere to resist US ‘ imperialism ’ .
7 Ministers were presented with a new report on unemployment prepared by the OECD secretariat , which repeated its pet theme that the key to reducing unemployment is to make labour markets work better , through measures such as better training and mobility .
8 ( Note that a Whitewash is not available where the controlling interest is obtained by means of a purchase connected with a new issue of shares. ) ( 2 ) Sufficient authorised but unissued share capital and a directors ' authority to allot the new shares under CA 1985 , s80 will be required .
9 The third was connected with a new awareness of history , of the fact that human societies and institutions have developed through long centuries and have taken on many different shapes at different times and in different places — an awareness which was especially sharply focused by the work of Gotthold Lessing .
10 He had staggered away , head soaked in whisky and shoulders glittering with a new dandruff of broken glass as Barbara pulled Jimmy Devlin back from the desk and …
11 The Forest courts were accordingly revived or infused with a new spirit of severity .
12 I could do with a new duvet for our bed .
13 Hyacinth shook with a new thrill of fear , and her mother 's tone softened .
14 Gary is celebrating with a new single Through The Years , a greatest hits album and tour .
15 A Guisborough professor 's research work has been honoured with a new post at Teesside Polytechnic .
16 This was the Sunday Citizen , relict of one of the popular Victorian papers , Reynolds ' News , relaunched with a new name in a tabloid format in 1962 .
17 Rotosound have been experimenting with a new type of nickel plating which gives an exceptionally bright sound thanks to increased magnetic response .
18 The fifty-year-old display area is now to be replaced with a new space of suitably high artistic merit .
19 It is important that the category of children with moderate learning difficulties , which has escalated to frightening proportions , is not replaced with a new category of disruptive pupils .
20 Exercising before breakfast seems to ‘ clean the slate ’ for the body , before it has to deal with a new dose of food .
21 So , at one and the same time , we have been provided with a new characterisation of the British party system that challenges the cogency of the responsible party government model , and we have also been provided with an explanation for economic policy-making and for the decline of Britain 's economy .
22 At the very least the BBC will be able to experiment with a new form of independent financing — advertising .
23 It therefore seems conceivable that susceptibility to both type I and type II diabetes is determined during gestation or infancy in response to nutrition , and research should respond with a new focus on early events .
24 At the same time , he was entering with a new singleness of purpose the creative landscape of his own mind , and sensed already that what he might achieve in the months ahead would surpass anything which had resulted from two very public years in Bristol .
25 That decision — and many others involving the course of science over the next four years — may rest with a new group of about 30 senior administrators convened two weeks ago by Gibbons and Bowman Cutter of the National Economic Council .
26 I hope that a message can go out that there is a new resolve in the west and that we are determined to ensure that the killing , the destruction and the brutality stop , and that , as a new year dawns in a few days ' time , it dawns with a new sense of hope for the battered , beleaguered people of Croatia .
27 Harvard dealers were meanwhile telling their clients : " Think twice about dealing with a new firm like Kingsley Paige .
28 In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the harnessing of water-power for mills and river navigation interlinked with a new system of canals laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution .
29 To provide customers with reliable guidelines for successful microwave combination cooking , we took the view that in the light of tighter temperature control in the food supply chain and stronger emphasis on the need to raise hot food to bacteria killing temperature , it would be safer all round to scrap previously attained cookery knowledge and start with a new set of rules , particularly since the ovens have undergone design specification changes and have dramatically more accurate controls .
30 The head , which was being given a facelift at the time of December 's fire , has been graced with a new mop of blue hair .
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