Example sentences of "[verb] it have [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , if the original social and education objectives of the course have not been met it has nevertheless succeeded in tapping the hidden intellectual and educational potential of many working-class men and women .
2 Without pausing for breath , Lucid says it has also signed with Artificial Technologies Inc , Elmsford , New York , to market and support the consulting firm 's Lips-based tools — including a Motif-based toolkit — and has released XLT , a set of X-Windows-based tools for its own Common Lisp environment on Sun , HP and IBM workstations .
3 Fujitsu Ltd says it has successfully implemented of the world 's fastest Gallium Arsenide gate array .
4 As the city has grown it has almost swallowed up Carrington , and Sherwood and there have been further houses built between the city and Carrington making distinction between the districts difficult .
5 We seem to have heard it all before , but EIT Group Plc , trading in whose shares has been suspended at 9.5 pence since February , told the Sunday Telegraph that it was close to an agreement with its bankers that would enable it to put together a refinancing package ; it says its relations with its own bank , Midland Bank Plc , are good , but that Barclays Bank Plc , which had a £2.8m loan out to Sintrom Plc when EIT bought the firm for £1.7m , reckons it has prior claim on a part of any new money coming into EIT .
6 Vocational training for the actor as we know it has only existed in England for the last eighty years .
7 It 's once you 've allocated it it 's erm you know it 's actually gone from your from your calculation .
8 Academic English was a recent invention , largely of the inter-war years ; and even where it existed it had commonly stopped with the early nineteenth century .
9 He drew back , saying it had nearly happened with another girl but she was a Catholic .
10 if you 've booked it , I said you ought to look forward to it but er , I suppose it 's just come over her
11 After details of the case emerged , the student movement never regained the broad base and wide influence it had once had on the Japanese political scene .
12 I mean particularly so if you 're involved in the service , but I do n't think it 's just restricted to that , I want to know what 's going on .
13 And this recession that we 've been coming out of for so many years now it 's I mean it 's just turned into a bit of a joke !
14 * Brazilian timber company Gethal Amazonia has been fined a record of £1.4 million after a helicopter survey revealed it had illegally chopped down Amazon rain forest trees
15 Well she got a kind of raincoat , that , I do n't think it 's supposed to be maternity I think it 's just supposed to be
16 I mean you get so busy , in fact I think it 's probably gone to the extent where it 's gone too busy .
17 Yeah , I think it 's definitely got to be after the s in books , as it sounds as if there 's more than one of them .
18 Even when Hugh Russell 's attitude towards her had begun to change it had never occurred to her to doubt her parentage for a moment .
19 Judge Brian Wall , heading the tribunal , said it had yet to rule on the authorities ' submission that the obstetrician and gynaecologist was not a fit and proper person to practise medicine .
20 When we asked to see the tape on Thursday , the Beeb said it had mysteriously disappeared without authorisation .
21 Appeals from Democratic Party leaders for the candidates to cool it have apparently fallen on deaf ears .
22 It is a faith that believes it has only to ask in order to receive : e.g. in the cure of the leper ( Mark 1:40–5 ) .
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