Example sentences of "[verb] it be not the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He says it 's not the toughest course but it 's very hard and bumpy .
2 But a mental health charity says it 's not the first time such an incident has occurred .
3 His mother says it 's not the first time a window has fallen out of a school coach , and she 's calling for action to make the buses safe .
4 I just hope it 's not the same referee ! ’
5 The farmers had to wait some considerable time for compensation , and when it came it was not the expected bonanza .
6 Look it 's not the cheap that you 're looking for .
7 Yeah as I say , that unit trust thing I was I know it 's not the safest investment but it never was the safest investment .
8 . I know it 's not the easiest thing to measure is it ?
9 I suppose it was not the done thing for a book of Rambles .
10 Suppose it were not the whole thing but part of a pattern ?
11 ‘ That terrain was tax , and I believe it was not the best territory for us to choose . ’
12 ‘ That terrain was tax and I believe it was not the best territory for us to choose . ’
13 That is not the only , if it 's not gon na happen it 's not the only answer is it ?
14 While ‘ justification ’ is the primary blessing it is not the highest blessing .
15 Symphony because I felt it was not the right tempo .
16 That afternoon Adam , knowing it was not the wisest thing to be doing in his celibate situation , lay on the terrace reading Fanny Hill .
17 She knew it was not the correct mode of address but she felt a little odd , outside reality , and was afraid she was about to dissolve into tears .
18 When the day is fine the roof does n't need mending ; when it 's raining it 's not the right weather do to it ! ’
19 I mean it 's not the best .
20 Aye , well I played against men , but , but I mean it 's not the same .
21 an individual or as now as a , a Neighbourhood Watch , although I mean it 's not the main function of Neighbourhood Watch to do not noisy parties , but it could do , then make a complaint to Newark and District Council
22 Well I mean it 's not the huge massive billboards .
23 Now I think it was not the right way . ’
24 I have to say it 's not the current proposal to , to complete the bottom link of the scheme to the timescale which is associated with the erm er waste plant at .
25 He said it was not the small investor but the ‘ fecklessness , gullibility , and incompetence of the Government , which for months and for years , ignored all the warnings .
26 I 'm twice your age , I ought to take things like this in my stride — Christ only knows it 's not the first time .
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