Example sentences of "[verb] it be [adv] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now the the girls did n't know it was there and it 's a good job that they were n't talking about him or talking about anybody .
2 Basically like I say it 's just when I , when I bend it ,
3 She says it is only because she knows when it 's not in her stars to be killed in a ditch .
4 One aim is to make the familiar look unfamiliar and he says it was only when he referred back to his photographs after completing many of his drawings that he realised what he had missed .
5 When black youth did appear it was often because they were seen to be a problem .
6 He reckons it 's only because he loves the world and the people he knows that he hates the prevailing ‘ world order ’ .
7 THE spring Town Crier came yesterday and what a terrific read it is now that it is being produced by Darlington College of Technology students .
8 I 'm sure glad I 've got it 's just that I seem to be .
9 say anything about you like it 's only if I got nothing else to say really
10 I know it 's really but I do n't know whether they have a Casino there .
11 ‘ You know it 's only when I 've had a drink I stop hearing those damned machines . ’
12 There 's a forest fifty miles off , it 's outside our window because it 's not in this room and to come a little nearer home ther there 's a campus outside our window but we ca n't exactly see very much of it but we know it 's there and it 's got some birds in it , it 's probably got some little insects in it and there 's a woodpecker
13 And it came home to me that you know we all had to come to terms in some way with erm with what it was all about and the kids and you know and it became something of a I mean i it was the experience that we went through you know it was i it was you know something that we 'll always remember I think because it 'll always make Christmas different I think for us in a way you know but it And when they came up from South Wales with car loads and van loads and I mean we all just sobbed you know I mean there was nothing to do really you know it was just and I think anyway that was Christmas , but I mean er .
14 You know it was like when you boil up hankies I thought what a !
15 And if you get It 's only when you get oily greasy stains that you think , oh I 'd better some ethanol or
16 So give us some indication of what sort of press release it was so that we know what we 're talking about in the
17 I decided it was just because she had n't mattered that it had n't been worth shocking her .
18 ‘ I suppose it is just that I have led a more open life than you .
19 I suppose it 's just because I feel so comfortable with you . ’
20 Looking back I suppose it was then that I started to brood about a problem that grew and grew until it burst out into the open at the World Championships .
21 Blanche : I guess it is just that I have — old-fashioned ideals !
22 ‘ Clearly the reason they claim to have burnt it is simply that they realize it would be too risky to let us examine it . ’
23 Both babies would smile stickily when they saw me over the edge of the cot , which was gratifying in a way , but I knew it was only because they were programmed that way , like public relations men .
24 But really he knew it was only because he was n't Jewish .
25 Ruth stared down at it and wondered why she had bought it and thought it was probably because it contrasted so sharply with what she had been through on this trip .
26 Carrie thought it was partly because they were going to have a farewell tea at Druid 's Bottom .
27 He does n't think it 's right that he should be told that they ca n't hunt on his farm .
28 The social worker I had at the time kept coming to see me in Low Newton and saying , ‘ Do you not think it 's best if you get him adopted ? ’
29 They may think it 's just because it contains a reference to the Khedive 's family . ’
30 I do n't think it was just because he made it back-to-back wins , either .
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