Example sentences of "[verb] it [vb mod] be good [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The author , Gavin Alexander , until recently head of Hampton School in Middlesex , for boys aged 11 to 18 years , says it might be better for 13-year-old pupils to be assessed in this way rather than sitting the Common Entrance and then being assessed again a year later .
2 He says it may be good for farmers and gardeners , but it will make no difference to the river at all .
3 One day they came to take us away , saying it would be better for us — what do they know ?
4 At that point , they decided it would be best for everyone if they went home .
5 After discussions with medical experts , Caolan 's parents , Brendan and Catriona , decided it would be best for the child and family for him to return to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children .
6 I decided it would be better for you if we lived in London because there would be places you could go , friends you could visit .
7 We feel it would be better for the village .
8 ‘ I thought it would be good to be free to get on with my own affairs , ’ she said , ‘ but I suffered quite severe depression .
9 Before I approach BIFU with a view to them taking this up for bank staff ( and others ) in general , I thought it would be good for staff morale and also for our members if we adopted a practice which was , after all , in use in 2,550 BC .
10 ‘ Mr. Bonanza thought it would be better for the young lady to be taken somewhere away from here , where she could rest and get well . ’
11 The result was Allegra , whom Clairmont loved but reluctantly gave up to him , since the Shelleys insisted it would be best for the child .
12 ‘ I certainly do n't think it would be better for me . ’
13 Do you do you not think it would be better for us both to speak to ? speak to her and say obviously you were upset about not getting the job but this non- communication thing is not really erm going to you know be good for the sales office in the long term .
14 Do you think it 'd be good like that , and I went , yes Ryan it 'd look much better .
15 It sells businesses it does not think it will be good at , such as those in high-technology , volatile markets .
16 ‘ You mean it would be better for you if I left , do n't you ? ’ she demanded .
17 He wants a girl friend and I want a boy friend , and as I like him ( or at least what I know of him ) and I think he likes me , I think it would be good for both of us if we could be friends .
18 For one thing , it requires searing honesty to know whether you are arranging oboe lessons because a ) you genuinely think it would be good for your child , b ) you think your child would enjoy it , or c ) you rather fancy having a child who can play the oboe : of the three , a ) and b ) are acceptable reasons , c ) is definitely not .
19 They 're nice old people , and I think it would be good for Mrs Richards to come down to the village more , and be part of Santa Barbara . ’
20 I erm , and I 'd rather take Caroline because I think it would be good for her to have
21 Yes , it 's erm , they came on stage , I think it would be good for and then they when coming to New Zealand yeah , the whole .
22 I think it would be best for you also .
23 No , oh , I mean personally I think it would be better for the United Reformed to join up with the shared pastures instead of joining up with the Methodist because the Methodist have got plenty of churches in their area , have n't they ?
24 I think it would be better without them .
25 ‘ We think it would be better as a private company , without that pressure ’ , said Mr De Haan , though he said the move did not reflect any disenchantment with the City .
26 I think it 'll be good for Pauline she gets a lot of information .
27 I sometimes think it might be better for everyone if I was n't here .
28 ‘ I promise not to do too much , but I think it will be good for me to keep busy , ’ she said , and left him to his book .
29 I think it will be better for all of us , mother included .
30 ‘ They are Weenie 's plants , she put them in , the social worker said it would be good for her to have something to look after , give her a sense of responsibility , but she does n't do it . ’
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