Example sentences of "[verb] it [was/were] [noun sg] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I guessed it was part of your plot to steer me right away from Rob — in case I corrupt him . ’
2 Amanda had been all enthusiastic even in the rain , saying it was spray in her face and look at the gulls , which were swooping down on the shoal of crisp packets and orange peel trailing in the wake .
3 At home he did n't spook at bright blue barrels , a wall or planks , so we decided it was time for our first party .
4 Later , I saw it was part of his fear : if I had the means to escape , perhaps I would use it ?
5 Berowne 's only explanation had been that he felt it was time for his life to take a new direction .
6 If Gilbert thought it was part of her duty to track down Amy or help her in any way , then she would do so .
7 Someone was shaking her violently , shouting at her , and at first she thought it was part of her nightmare .
8 Richmann never noticed the sudden widening of Benny 's eyes , or if he did he must have assumed it was fear at her imminent death .
9 It is pleasing that there is a large degree of support for the Southern fire station as I said it was music to my ears .
10 He gave her the money then , and said it was part of his retainer for the season . ’
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