Example sentences of "[verb] it [verb] [noun] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yet too much concentration on the military angle could , in the end , lead the UN astray , causing it to lose sight of what it is trying to do .
2 We let it become part of us , like a rotting tooth which we tolerate and forget . ’
3 Advanced Micro Devices Inc is seeking a manufacturing partner to help it raise output of its Am486 chips next year .
4 Small comfort for those languishing in the prisons or holed up in the hills , one suspects , but their toils have been translated into the stuff of great writing — Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Mario Vargas Llosa and Graham Greene have , in different ways , picked over the moral and political wreckage of Latin America , and you feel it needs writers of their calibre to make sense of it .
5 To conceive a child deliberately in order to kill it to make use of its tissue , the idea is absolutely repugnant . ’
6 ‘ I think it answers part of my question , Caroline … ’
7 Take advantage of the technology ; do n't let it take advantage of us .
8 In 1884 , when he finished the first version of his set ( he revised it to form part of his Klavierübung in 1922 ) , Busoni was only eighteen , but he was always a practised composer , with an enormous quantity of piano music to his credit — indeed , he had composed five Sonatas and a host of other pieces for all sorts of forces before he was fifteen .
9 Swivel head means it follows contours of your skin well , and the double blade ensures a really close , clean , smooth shave .
10 The impact of this resolutely conservative and often authoritarian political ideology can be felt right across the field of social and economic policy where an idealized and homogenized vision of ‘ The Black Community ’ is the object of a discourse that urges it to take care of its own problems and assume the major burden of managing its own public affairs .
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