Example sentences of "[verb] to a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was necessary in case there were different adherent bacteria on the mucosal surface in disease and controls , and for these experiments faecal fluid was aspirated at colonoscopy and added in 100 µl aliquots to a specimen in the culture system .
2 Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to write to a file in the supplied working directory .
3 But yesterday , at 4lb 2oz and 17 inches , he moved to a hospital nearer the family 's Hebden Bridge house .
4 They moved to a house in the same quiet village , and were just as happy .
5 Apart from the emergence of the new right , there were other factors which contributed to a loss of the sense of cultural centrality within the discipline of English studies during the 1970s .
6 It is a curious comment on Thatcherism , however , that the administration most committed to a reduction in the role of the state , and in the need for an independent private sector , has spent more on specific urban regeneration and employment schemes and incentives to private investment in urban areas than any other in recent history .
7 After second reading , clause 52 of the Bill was committed to a committee of the whole House and clause 54 to Standing Committee E. On 17 May 1976 , the House considered clause 52 and strong representations were made about the impact of clause 52 on airline and railway employees .
8 Ordered , That , if the Welsh Development Agency Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House , further proceedings on the Bill shall stand postponed and that as soon as the proceedings on any Resolution come to by the House on Welsh Development Agency Bill [ Money ] have been concluded , this House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill .
9 I draw the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the fact that the Question will be put from the Chair at the appropriate moment , That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House .
10 Ordered , That , if the Social Security ( Mortgage Interest Payments ) Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House , further proceedings on the Bill shall stand postponed and that as soon as any proceedings on any Resolution come to by the House on Social Security ( Mortgage Interest Payments ) Bill [ Money ] have been concluded , this House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill .
11 We have a policy within our local plan and the council are committed to a policy in the district-wide plan to retain employment sites in employment use wherever we can .
12 England are committed to a review of the situation midway through this six-match Ashes series .
13 In London , where orders for transfer are made by district judges of the Principal Registry , appeal lies to a judge of the Family Division .
14 An appeal from a decision of a district judge in the county lies to a judge in the same court .
15 In a recent ‘ Out On Tuesday ’ programme on Channel 4 , Susan Hemmings observed how , in Britain , feminist lesbians in the seventies were expected to be attracted to a woman on the basis of her ideas rather than her appearance .
16 Back To The Planet might appeal to a section of the so-called dregs of society , but they feel they 're setting a different agenda .
17 So should voters , it would be rather absurd I think , well Mill thinks , that if jurors were expected to come to a decision on the basis of what they would prefer , would you prefer this person to be sent down or would you prefer them to get off .
18 It also obliges the outside world — meaning the West , and above all , the United States — to come to a decision about the military action it has been threatening .
19 It took half a mile to come to a halt after the crash and the driver was treated for shock .
20 Arguments about carbon emissions are expected to come to a head in the forthcoming UNCED " Earth Summit " to be held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 , where a global warming treaty is expected to be signed .
21 Often , it is true , the commissioners drew the new boundaries so as to come to a point in the village where the ancient homestead lay , so that the farmer need not be disturbed from his old home .
22 Have you have you been able to come to a conclusion about the A fifty nine ?
23 In the event the Court of Appeal came to the conclusion that it was not possible to support the judge 's findings based on the absence of agency but equally were unable , on the judge 's findings , to come to a conclusion on the issue of undue influence .
24 Erm I would have thought and it 's a personal immediate reaction at this stage , it would be difficult for you to come to a conclusion on the appropriate district location .
25 We drew to a stop outside the door of the house .
26 As they drew to a halt outside the house , old Peter came hurrying out to meet them .
27 It was with a deep sense of relief that Rory reached Candy 's road and drew to a halt before the building where she lived .
28 The car drew to a halt alongside the front door , and an instant later the driver 's door swung open .
29 It was encouraging news , but the second session drew to a close with the vexed issues of religious freedom and the Jews , which were dealt with in the final two chapters of the document on ecumenism , still undecided — though Cardinal Bea insisted they would be discussed in due course .
30 A plate pushed to the back of the table bore the remains of the Irishman 's breakfast : little curls of bacon rind , stains of yellow yolk and the lacy brown edges of eggs fried to a crisp in the pan .
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