Example sentences of "[verb] that they have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
2 Before I 'd stopped quivering , I realized that they had n't been thrown , but dropped from above .
3 It is possible to see that they had never been lived in , could never be lived in , though front door and portico are present and their ranks of windows , the spaces where the glass should be painted a dull blue .
4 The defendants admitted that they had both been drinking heavily on the night of the offences .
5 It should be added here that the high clergy hardly recognized that they had actually been exercising a political religious power of a specifically sectarian or monopolistic type .
6 An army spokesman pointed out to journalists that the men were being held under anti-terrorist legislation and added that they had already been interrogated and had been ‘ singing like birds ’ , a phrase from the criminal underworld implying that they had confessed to crimes .
7 I do not have any record of an acknowledgement so I would be grateful if you could confirm that they have all been safely received .
8 He went on : ‘ They are normally engaged in planning non-emergency journeys but since there have not been any it was felt that they have just been sitting around socialising when others are working long hours .
9 The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired , and people assumed that they had originally been patinated .
10 There is evidence to suggest that they had indeed been introduced before this to some offices — possibly as early as before Christmas 1872 — but it is clear from the strike committee minutes that they were not regarded by the union as a threat of any significance compared with that of outside labour .
11 No matter what Bob says or Harry or any other member of the Conservative group , and I accept that they 've always been consistent on it the same as the Labour group has always been consistently against the merger I accept that they 've been consistently in favour of a total merger .
12 Ten patients ( 3.2% ) claimed that they had never been advised to check their urine , a further 39 ( 13% ) never checked their urine , and 53 ( 17% ) checked their urine less than weekly .
13 Anyone considering a purchase from this company should make sure they get cast-iron guarantees concerning specification and after sales support or , like me and many others to my knowledge , they will wish that they had not been taken in by misleading advertising and had paid a little more money to an established British company .
14 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
15 Germans and Hungarians would be eligible for restitution , under legislation to be worked out by the Czech and Slovak parliaments , provided that they had not been " transferred abroad " in 1945 and that they had proclaimed themselves Czechoslovak citizens .
16 One or two elders confessed that they have not been baptised !
17 ‘ It appears that they have somehow been destroyed , sir . ’
18 Because some reforms are hidden from public view over the horizon does not mean that they have not been thought out and designed .
19 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
20 The crew , themselves , felt that they had already been changed by the experience and some were a little anxious about the future .
21 Fitzormonde and Mowbray had always been soft , they could whine and moan that they had not been to blame , but Horne had agreed to Whitton 's plan and built a thriving business on the proceeds .
22 I gather that they have also been told not to worry patients by explaining the real reasons for any consequent delay in treatment .
23 You might have company , " Patrick panted. he knew that they had n't been followed , but he also knew that as soon as his mother discovered that he — that both of them — had gone , the first place she would head for would be Joe Hyde 's flat .
24 Only two patients thought that they had not been told enough , even though one of them had been given the very detailed sheet .
25 When they are dried out this generally indicates that they have already been eaten twice .
26 It it means that they have n't been doing their duty in the winter then .
27 It is , however , worth looking at the parent fish when spawning is completed to check that they have not been damaged .
28 VERIFY The media unit is reading the files on the media item to check that they have not been corrupted .
29 A leading member of the music panel said that they had not been informed in advance that the future of Kent Opera would be discussed in November .
30 The man talked a lot about karma and said that they had obviously been together in a previous incarnation , but now their birthdates were not synchronized .
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