Example sentences of "[verb] that this [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 He added : ‘ The chancellor must come to explain why the secret arrangements were such that the public were never to know that this payment had been made . ’
2 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
3 Christina could see that Paul wanted to scream that this colour had been his choice , but he bit back his retort , clenching his fists .
4 Although religious history may be interpreted to indicate that this struggle has been undertaken at the behest of , or in support of , some extraterrestrial ‘ god ’ , this is not really correct , and none of those ancient ‘ gods ’ must be allowed to usurp the rightful place of the emerging Created God .
5 I realized that this suit had been among the clothes Barrymore had left for Selden , and I told Holmes .
6 He agreed that this advice had been good but said that things had now gone too far .
7 With a brass section that cheerfully joined in any chorus they could remember complete with formation instrument swaying and excellent drums , double bass and guitar , it was easy to see that this band have been all over the world together .
8 As we shall see , many of the controversies and conflicts which permeate contemporary rural life either stem from this fundamental change in the social composition of most villages or are exacerbated by it ; but it is also important to remember that this transformation has been provoked by preceding changes in the economic and social organization of agriculture .
9 Commentators noted that this motion had been intended by Yeltsin as a compromise to encourage approval of Gaidar as Prime Minister .
10 It might be argued that this function has been coopted by such purposive ( indeed , allegedly manipulative ) schemes as the Youth Training Scheme .
11 For a precedent , see Appendix E. It is not thought that this procedure has been invoked with any degree of frequency .
12 Now I do n't believe that this issue has been aired wide enough it 's understood by a lot of people what the problems are going to be these problems are n't gon na occur in the next ten years , they will happen in twenty years ' time .
13 Table 15–3 shows that this expenditure has been only moderately successful in reducing water pollution .
14 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
15 Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir , claimed that this delay had been due to the unwillingness of the Torit group to accept the participation of the Nasir group in the peace negotiations .
16 Retrospective radiological review showed that this lesion had been present when an initial diagnosis of coeliac disease had been made 12 months previously and a detailed description of the natural history of the lymphoma during this period was thus available .
17 The strong achievement orientation of Japanese society and the degree to which it has become a genuine educational meritocracy have led many to assume that this aim has been achieved .
18 We are now pleased to announce that this exclusion has been removed and all members who suffer from disabilities or diseases can now apply for insurance under the scheme .
19 A general chorus of approving grunts indicated that this view had been approved unanimously .
20 Years later I discovered that this process had been studied by a distinguished scientist , Beveridge , and described in a book The Art of Scientific Investigation .
21 However , it must be recognised that this relationship has been significantly affected by the unification episode' .
22 Mr Aldous and his senior partners have been at pains to ensure that this danger has been minimised at Robson Rhodes .
23 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
24 This recognition , combined with the notion that life has to be somehow larger than a physical notion , meant that this approach has been broadened .
25 Now if you cast your mind back to when we started the er discussion I did say I would talk about refer erm recommendations to you if you felt that this meeting had been of some benefit to yourself
26 The signalman , knowing that this train had been in his section for some time and was overdue , set his points and signal from the up main to the up goods loop to allow the up passenger train , following the goods , to run past without any unnecessary delay .
27 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
28 One form which it is believed that this move takes is to new types of collaboration between commercial enterprise and public sector science .
29 One of which was the property in Frinton which was owned jointly by Mr and his step mother who was an elderly lady who was then residing in that er property and er around that time on the first of October Mr er telephoned Mr and er told him about that but at that time , was not anticipating that there would be an difficulties about the security on Frinton for these he had always , added his case , made it perfectly clear to the man at the National Westminster Bank with whom he was dealing , Mr that that property was not a property which er could er be offered as security because of the joint ownership and er while in conversation with the bank he understood that this letter had been sent and Mrs had been on holiday and that it was simply oversight on the part of the bank at this stage and that all would well after Mrs returned , which was expected in two weeks time .
30 And she knew that this outing had been contrived by him so that he could make progress with her .
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