Example sentences of "[verb] that it be [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was a kind of verse at which he himself excelled — there are those who say that it is to be found just under the surface of some of his apparently " serious " poetry — and Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats has the spirit , if not the content , of the Bolovian stanzas which he had been writing since his early twenties .
2 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
3 Does The Faerie Queene insist that it is to be read in such a manner that its role as a history ( which as both epic and romance it can claim to be symbolically ) must be seen as intrinsically different from the account of the English in Ireland which Spenser outlines in A View ?
4 We were a little discomfited by the request , but agreed to accede to it this once ; but when we realised that it was to be a regular arrangement , we knew that we should have to move again , for over and above the inconvenience of being put out of our room , we were sure that our landlady did not even change the sheets .
5 On Sept. 4 the communists in the Supreme Soviet , who before the coup had numbered 324 out of the 450 deputies , mustered only 50 votes in favour of lifting the ban , and the leader of the CP bloc , Oleksandr Moroz , announced that it was to be dissolved .
6 The Jet Provost T.5 in question had just heard that it was to be shortly replaced by the Shorts Tucano and immediately took out its angst on a passing erk .
7 But the brief also instructed that it was to be ‘ a lively , humorous paper that covered all aspects of life and not just current affairs .
8 It was an insignificant moment , no one there would have thought that it was to be the first movement in such a great drama , not only for them but also for those watching .
9 The building has been the subject of controversy ever since locals were told that it was to be turned into a clinic for twenty six convicted sex offenders .
10 When asked for the authority upon which the second of these propositions was based , he replied that it was to be found in section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , and in the principles stated by the majority of the House of Lords in Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 .
11 With a name like that it was to be expected .
12 If no date is specified the court would probably conclude that it was to be exercised within a reasonable period ending on the last day for exercise ( Multon v Cordell [ 1986 ] 1 EGLR 44 ) .
13 I believe that it is to be shown there in February . ’
14 I understand that it is to be merged with 105 Royal Artillery Scotland .
15 Faragher ( 1985 ) found that police in Great Britain downgraded the seriousness of violence against women in the home , for although formal regulations state that it is to be treated as an arrestable offence , policemen often redefined the incident as lying outside law enforcement ( emphasized by Policy Studies Institute 1983b : 64 ) .
16 We 're bound to consider that it was to be used in a ram raid offence .
17 Unless monetary payment is to pass from the wife to the husband ( for instance , as in a case where the house is in the husband 's sole name and the husband and wife agree that it is to be transferred to husband and wife and held by them upon certain trusts provided the wife pays the husband a sum of moneysee Chapter 7 ) , when the husband may require such money for his own purchase of another property , a contract between the parties would appear to be unnecessary .
18 The only words from which it can be contended that it is to be implied are the words , ‘ I am glad to hear of your intended marriage with Ellen Nicholl .
19 Furthermore , is it not rash to say that it is to be carried out only in the patients ' best interests ?
20 I must early have realized that it was to be a regular correspondence , for I kept her letters , though I usually destroy letters as soon as I have answered them .
21 ‘ The cases in which the principle has been applied are cases in which the nature , scope and purpose of the function vested in the repository made it unlikely that Parliament intended that it was to be exercised by the repository personally because administrative necessity indicated that it was impractical for him to act otherwise than through his officers or officers responsible to him .
22 My own view is that for readers to be promised even a glimmer of understanding as to the origins of our world and the universe was tempting enough , but the further promise that it was to be told briefly was irresistible .
23 The defence has been considered in a number of recent cases in which it has been held that it is to be applied in a flexible and pragmatic way .
24 It concluded that it was to be doubted whether " an impregnable wall can ever be created " except in " very special cases " .
25 ‘ But qualified that it was to be on an impersonal basis only . ’
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