Example sentences of "[verb] that a good [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 Many feel a certain warmth for Kant 's idea that the only thing which is good without qualification and in all circumstances is a good will , without accepting that a good will is one concerned only with the performance of duty for duty 's sake .
2 Nevertheless , the model does show that a good deal is now known about the illness , and this information provides both promising avenues for future research and implications for preventive intervention .
3 This serves to support some of the statements made in Section 12.5 and again emphasizes that a good index is one which permits effective retrieval .
4 It 's very difficult , though , to say what the right kind of photograph is , for obviously actors are very different , but remember that a good photograph is not necessarily an art photograph .
5 Frequent supervision whilst the student attains proficiency is therefore necessary to ensure that a good technique is developed .
6 Note that a good performance is more sums done but less time taken .
7 For Rb 3 C 60 ( Fig. 2 b ) , we find that a good fit is obtained only if the MT term is negligible , which implies a large .
8 Training by association or ‘ correction-praise' works on the principle that a dog is motivated by knowing that a good action is followed by pleasure and reward and a bad action is followed by correction .
9 ‘ It is declared that a good wife is a crown to her husband , but Mrs. Crawley had been much more than a crown to him … she had been crown , throne and sceptre all in one ’ .
10 Now it is an essential part of the day and young recruits quickly learn that a good breakfast is vital if they are to survive another demanding day .
11 No-one 's ashamed to admit that a good mind is a business plus , not to mention a smooth tongue , cool head and rock-solid handshake .
12 Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions and a vital and distinctive ingredient of our national way of life .
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