Example sentences of "[verb] that you have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , when it comes back to the switchboard , they will know that you 've not answered , and they can say ‘ I 'm sorry , there 's nobody there , would you like to leave a message ’ , in which case , that call will then be diverted to a particular message desk , where they will just take a very brief message which will be passed onto you .
2 So after your walk , let the Japanese Ambassador know that you 've just walked for the whales — and why .
3 Is there anything which your intended should know that you have not revealed to this point ?
4 Let them know that you have n't prepared , and you insult them even further .
5 How do you know that you have n't landed yourself with someone who 'll be struck dumb with nerves ? ’
6 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
7 ‘ Be that as it may , perhaps he would like to know that you have completely disrupted our meal .
8 But it was I You know , to know that you have n't got to fight ,
9 If you feel you have done well at an interview and everyone seems to like you it is quite likely to find that you have n't got the part .
10 Look me in the eyes , husband , and deny that you have n't had them ? ’
11 ‘ Well , I 'm relieved to see that you have n't changed after all , ’ Ellen remarked as they lit their cigarettes .
12 You will understand that you will be required in the execution of any agreement for the purchase and sale of the company to acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into such agreement by any representation or warranty other than expressly set forth in such agreement subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified therein .
13 ‘ And , ’ he pursued pleasantly , ‘ I certainly had n't guessed that you had actually gone to the trouble of speculating on my reactions — to illness or to anything else , ’ he added quietly .
14 I trust that you have now received a list of the Social Work Centres and also that you had a profitable meeting with regarding the design of the front cover .
15 As you march stiffly to the bar , still clutching your medal and foil blanket , do ensure that you 've already drunk at least four to six pints of non-alcoholic fluids and consumed the equivalent of a square meal .
16 ( Note : Do ensure that you have carefully marked the Source disk or at least that it is ‘ write ’ protected .
17 Bring them in , show that you 've actually thought more generally and you can see how you can bring different parts of the syllabus in because that 's the novelty , that 's what makes a piece of work stand out .
18 does n't matter that you have n't got it .
19 For example , imagine that you have just seen cat , and the appropriate logogen has reached threshold , and activation of that logogen remains high .
20 Imagine that you have just come home from your hard day being an Environmental Health Officer , and your neighbour , who happens to be a builder or bookmaker or something , invites you down to the pub , and over a pint he says , ‘ I heard something on the radio about some story .
21 Imagine that you have just finished a tuck row .
22 Quickly re-read the relevant sections and ensure that you have n't missed anything of importance .
23 But if you set out on that rather tricky path , you will find before you finish that you have subtly to make this unheroic figure a hero after all .
24 J is angry , but he realises that you have n't got to get totally in-your-face to get a serious message across .
25 There 's the erm er the value of the contract per year , there 's a first year you know it 's just the the co cost of the ad thirty percent that 's what the commission was worth and it 's nice to come out with a signature for a erm and this was a charity one so they got it slightly less , erm er and know that you 've just earned yourself that much .
26 I know that you 've never forgiven me for what happened , and I do n't blame you , darling .
27 ‘ I was never given the details , but Mum did remark that you had n't had an easy time . ’
28 Erm but erm that 's a , a very important point and er just remember that you have actually given the money to the other partner , technically in terms of tax anyway , and er that er can , can have an affect on things .
29 I assume that you have already made some sort of shortlist from the names supplied ?
30 ‘ We heard that you 've even got him in the house . ’
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